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cartridge recomendations

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well I had planned on going to a farm I have permission on, to test the gun out, different carts etc, and maybe get a few bunnies, but on arriving there, everyone had gone, they dont live on the land, phoned him and told him I was there, to drop some pest control stuff off that he had asked for, although I have full permission to be there, Im always a bit uneasy, as he's an italian that dosent speak alot of english, and always worry "what if" as the land is next to a built up area, if someone called police,


anyway, thought Id just fire a few off around the farm outbuildings, no people, no livestock, theres a rubbish pile so fired into that,

tried a sub sonic first 3" ... the boom and echo surprised me, did think it would be quiter, next tried the standard 2", which the seller had fired when I bought the shotgun, again, louder than before, so was this due to being in an area surrounded by buildings/cow sheds, that created an echo/louder boom, as my original outlook was to get a 410 that was quiter than normal, for the fox dispatch, still happy as larry with the gun, but any recomendations on different carts

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If you were firing into a mound and near buildings, the noise would be noticeable as the shockwaves will rebound and bounce around the farm yard.


Next time, get out into the open and try a few different ones, the subsonics through a moderated gun should be near silent.

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Hi Stubby,


I had a rat job this evening in a large garden, put down some bait & some Fenn traps, while I was doing the paper work in the clients kitchen a rat appeared on the back lawn. To cut a long story short I shot 2 rats from the clients patio with my Hushpower .410 using Lyavale 2 1/2" cartridges with no 6 shot. I asked the client if she'd heard the shots as she was working inside the house & she hadn't heard a thing.



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well, just got back from the farm, took a walk over to the fields, and just set up a few targets to test the mixture of cartridges I have, as I dont expect to be a crack shot without a bit of practise.


anyway I have

2 1/2" eley fourlong magnum 6#

3" eley magnum extralong magnum 6#

3" eley magnum extralong sub sonic 6#


and totally the opposite to everything Ive read, on this and other forums, I found the quietest to be the 21/2" followed by the 3" magnums, and the loudest the subsonics,


wierd, or just me :hmm:

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It's almost impossible to gauge the amount of noise when you are behind the gun, I would take a mate with you next time, get him to do the shooting whilst you listen from various distances. Any buildings, walls etc will give an echo that makes the noise appear louder and distorted

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In theory Stubby, it should be the complete opposite. The 3" subs the quietest and the 3" "full fat" load the loudest.


As bob suggests, take someone with you next time, but from the info that I have from people who shoot hushpowered guns, they often hear just the hammer hitting the pin and no actual shot.

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As ive said in previous posts, I dont reckon much at all to the subsonics. The 2.5" are the quietest by far. You lose velocity with the subs as well so just stick to the 2.5" carts.


You will notice a hell of a difference in sound depending on where you fire the gun, and as said if you stand 50 yards away while someone fires the gun you will be surprised how quiet it actually is.


Youl soon get used to knowing which environments make the noise louder / quieter .

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