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hi all, i have always thought that testicular migration was done with around 12 - 14 weeks. the vet told me this morning it should be finnished( both in the scrotum) at eight weeks.

any experiances welcome.


p.s the pup has the prob not me. :)

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I sold a spaniel dog pup to a mate in ipswich about 3 weeks ago at 8 weeks old i phoned him last week and the vet told him [bANNED TEXT] he took it to be jabbed up that onley one testicle was showing and that the pup had acouple of weeks for it to show .I felt a bit bad and offerd him a refund but he was ok about it.But its some thing i have never checked in a pup and is it something that can be detected by the layman in a pup of such a young age????? atvb dell

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It is possibe to 'manipulate' the other bollock, but have a good look online first, gentle massage etc to help it descend, different breeds can take a lot longer to drop fully.


& most of all remember the vets arent a charity, they got big houses big cars kids in univercity to support etc etc. ;)

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thanks for the feedback lads.

i would be interested to know whether it could have any effect on the testosterone production ( the wee fella will need quite alot of that going about his terrier buisness)


it is possible to check even as a layman,just feel the scrotum and there should be a pea sized.. well ball. ( bigger dog bigger pea :D ) and i DID check, just thought that only one was there at the moment, and that he had a few weeks untill they SHOULD be dropped. was surprised to hear from the vet today that 8 weeks is the time.


anyone else had this type of thing?

at what age do they drop in other breeds?

thanks chaps.

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in some dogs they can be several months old before they drop some never do its usually a genetic fault



leave it a couple of months and have a feel around in the groin sometimes you can massage it down !!



depending where it is dont let the vet convince you to get it castrated at a young age there is plenty of time yet



good luck ;)

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My terrier must be six year`s old now, he has an undecended testicle, I realise this put`s him at an increased risk of developing cancer. The vet`s mention castration as the only reasonable solution. Be interested to hear of any "non surgical" solution`s. I dont believe it affect`s his testerone level`s, if it do`s it is not a problem.

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hi longbow, is that a parson? i would be interested to know if he has anything from "die/dai jones" in him?

as mine does. is this a phenomina that affects the jackies more than other breeds? i know of someone else who has had one with the same problem?

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i know thatno pedigree dog will be able to breed with it as its hereidtry( as with cataract etc)

hope ican manipulate the wee fella, been trying last night,very carefully of course( he seemed to like it!)

i've left myself open there hav'nt i ?

any other heredetry health problems with white dogs? deafness( apert from the well known terrier problem)?

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They used to give hormon injection to the dog and than it used to fall down.

If it stays "up there" it may cause health issues.



Edited to write that it don't always comes down from the injection.







Edited by Panna
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...i would be interested to know whether it could have any effect on the testosterone production ( the wee fella will need quite alot of that going about his terrier buisness)



I'm not sure if I understood it right, do you mean if the dog will be as "firy" in work as he had both his balls?

What I can say is that my 3 years old bitch is castrated when and she is just the same temperament in work as before.







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