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vets cashing in on dog owners

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Why would a vet dock a lurcher ???


Ok i gave this guy a know a bull grey for nothing he has had it about two years and he kept it in the house along with his salukie grey and two terriers but come time he and his mrs must of got fed up with having all these dogs in the house , this man came into some money nothing big but enough to spent 5 grand on a kennel block but when he stuck these dogs into his fancie new kennels the bull grey and the salukie grey started to get knocks on there tails so being the good guy that he is he took the dogs to the vets , instead of the vet asking some common sence questions like what are the dogs knocking there tails on he just told the guy that they would be better dockt ? it wasnt untill after the docking had taken place that i found out about this not to say i was burning up inside with rage at the time i had to bite my lip and hold back from loosing it with this guy and his mrs for being so f*****g stupid , could enyone explane to me WTF was the vet playing at ? was he just milking a pair of ejits for cash .

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depending on whether the tail was broken/dislocated? i would say as naive as i am that a vet would not recommend an op if not essential.

though i do hear of alot of castration freindly vets! ( dogs/cats and other small animals).


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