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new Hunter catapults on ebay

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22.50 for a wooden gat!!!! do these call stuff in to killing range as well!!! :D I clicked onto thikin if they were a tenner I'd get one. I wonder how many sold actually result in a kill eh but.... they look trendy

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22.50 for a wooden gat!!!! do these call stuff in to killing range as well!!! :D I clicked onto thikin if they were a tenner I'd get one. I wonder how many sold actually result in a kill eh but.... they look trendy



if they were mas produced in china yep theyed be about a tenner ,these i make by hand and they take a good hour and a half each to make,then theres the cost of the wood,the theraband and the packaging and the postage ,so realy not a lot of profit.


as for how many result in a kill,well thats all down to the shooter! the catty is strong enough to kill goose!

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22.50 for a wooden gat!!!! do these call stuff in to killing range as well!!! :D I clicked onto thikin if they were a tenner I'd get one. I wonder how many sold actually result in a kill eh but.... they look trendy



if they were mas produced in china yep theyed be about a tenner ,these i make by hand and they take a good hour and a half each to make,then theres the cost of the wood,the theraband and the packaging and the postage ,so realy not a lot of profit.


as for how many result in a kill,well thats all down to the shooter! the catty is strong enough to kill goose!

ignore em fish,id pay three times that for a good catty!!! twenty odd quid aint even a few hours in a pub these days [bANNED TEXT]!!! good value...

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BW , to big and the black fork covers can come off. take the arm support off and the covers and its a good shoot but not the best, grips not that comfy ether . I think it just the tubing that makes it good, but you could take that off and use it on a smaller one.

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