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Johnbob, I've absolutely no problem with starting a coursing bred pup on a summer hare; why wait 'till January when the hares will run the pup ragged and have the possibility of it jacking or yapping ? I'ts the guys who go out mob handed and slip multiple dogs on a summer hare, who should be castigated !! BUT; however proud you are, don't post on here about your pup taking a summer hare; as there is any amount of people who probably have never taken a hare, at any time of year, who will have a pop at you !! Best of luck with your dog.



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i see the - my halo never slips brigade - are out again !!! - Weve all done it - slipped on a young hare for the dogs first - slipped on a 3/4 grown fox - flicked the lamp to keep the rabbitt out the hedge - its called giving a young dog an advantage - too many people on here dont get out in the field enough or they would know !!!

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  chartpolski said:
Johnbob, I've absolutely no problem with starting a coursing bred pup on a summer hare; why wait 'till January when the hares will run the pup ragged and have the possibility of it jacking or yapping ? I'ts the guys who go out mob handed and slip multiple dogs on a summer hare, who should be castigated !! BUT; however proud you are, don't post on here about your pup taking a summer hare; as there is any amount of people who probably have never taken a hare, at any time of year, who will have a pop at you !! Best of luck with your dog.



cheers for advice but i never said i slipped on a hare could have been anything that got up :( aint dign at you mate but i did say i walked past levirets

long en could meen slip :yes:

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  johnbob said:
hia so happy went for a mooch earlier as a coupl ov fields were cut walked onto first field

full ov leverits which i ignored walked on to second an seen one get up carryied on an sees one in its seat it got up my 14 month old saluki an [bANNED TEXT] crackin course a couple ov rolls she was straight back onto it an killed it only problem was she tried to drown it took it straight into a pond [bANNED TEXT] a laugh shes crackers then turned round for home with a smile from ear so proud hard work starting to pay offpost-37322-1249598521.jpg


nice dog u got there mate. i have 1 the same


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  chartpolski said:
Johnbob, I've absolutely no problem with starting a coursing bred pup on a summer hare; why wait 'till January when the hares will run the pup ragged and have the possibility of it jacking or yapping ? I'ts the guys who go out mob handed and slip multiple dogs on a summer hare, who should be castigated !! BUT; however proud you are, don't post on here about your pup taking a summer hare; as there is any amount of people who probably have never taken a hare, at any time of year, who will have a pop at you !! Best of luck with your dog.





atsacly what i was trying to say


god bless our education system :icon_redface:

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Guest Bennybhoy
  jamie2004live said:
  border lad said:
I can see your a young lad, your dog done well, very well, Delete some of the stuff, above and next time be a little discreet, best of luck for the future,

some of those armchair hunters will get angry,, two three of them probably dont have a dog able to do the job, but they are very quick to criticise,,


good advise border lad ;) regardless of all the bitching about summer hunting everyone does it even the big names. and the armchair hunters do seem to crawl out from behind there keyboards, never the less well done bud a good start for a pup. and remember we shoot them first :)

NO everyone doesnt do it,I certainly DONT feckin do it :wallbash: 2 weeks to go :clapper:

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fukin ell boys the lads obv not thort on i dowt he will say it agen but hes most probly fukin made up hes dogs got his first kill like any body would be fukin lay of will ya no need to talk to some one like thats over hunting and being made up over his dog gettin a kill.. thanks new lurcher

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  chartpolski said:
Johnbob, I've absolutely no problem with starting a coursing bred pup on a summer hare; why wait 'till January when the hares will run the pup ragged and have the possibility of it jacking or yapping ? I'ts the guys who go out mob handed and slip multiple dogs on a summer hare, who should be castigated !! BUT; however proud you are, don't post on here about your pup taking a summer hare; as there is any amount of people who probably have never taken a hare, at any time of year, who will have a pop at you !! Best of luck with your dog.



the dog will be approx 21 months in january not really a pup so wouldnt expect it to jack or yapp or be run ragged .

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  sandmoor said:
  chartpolski said:
Johnbob, I've absolutely no problem with starting a coursing bred pup on a summer hare; why wait 'till January when the hares will run the pup ragged and have the possibility of it jacking or yapping ? I'ts the guys who go out mob handed and slip multiple dogs on a summer hare, who should be castigated !! BUT; however proud you are, don't post on here about your pup taking a summer hare; as there is any amount of people who probably have never taken a hare, at any time of year, who will have a pop at you !! Best of luck with your dog.



the dog will be approx 21 months in january not really a pup so wouldnt expect it to jack or yapp or be run ragged .


18 or 19 month.



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  chartpolski said:
  sandmoor said:
  chartpolski said:
Johnbob, I've absolutely no problem with starting a coursing bred pup on a summer hare; why wait 'till January when the hares will run the pup ragged and have the possibility of it jacking or yapping ? I'ts the guys who go out mob handed and slip multiple dogs on a summer hare, who should be castigated !! BUT; however proud you are, don't post on here about your pup taking a summer hare; as there is any amount of people who probably have never taken a hare, at any time of year, who will have a pop at you !! Best of luck with your dog.



the dog will be approx 21 months in january not really a pup so wouldnt expect it to jack or yapp or be run ragged .


18 or 19 month still should more than capable of doing a job if its even half a decent dog

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