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new ferret

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i was walking down to my allotment when my sisters freind shouted come here so a went n keiran was there n said my ferrets in with bradleys and a think bradleys is dead so a went in & the polecat was currled up ina ball in one corner & albino was in the other corner ....


picked up polecat (it was dead) didnt no why, but the lad who owned the polecat was scared off them even thoo they were so small


picked the albino (was barley moving) a said dont know if this one will servive


they said they were 7 weeks but it was nearly half the size ov my 7 week old jill ....

looked about 4 weeks

so they buried the polecat

n then the albino wudnt eat they said you want it so i took it, as didnt want to let it die put it in with my jill that lost her kits & went in the next day looked in saw the kit n jill both looking out through the mesh .....

its perfect now in with my other young jill both get along good


shame about the polecat thoo

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