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Ferrets,Rats and Terriers.

Guest billy boy

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I agree with these lads i had a call end of last season from a game farmer who's rearing feild was overrun with em and the had burried under the huts the smoke wasnt getting down the holes properl so in with ferrets and boom ! rat explotion what a day that was it was the first i had used these two jills for rat as they were in there first season but they had no probs whatsover :D


what a day...i had a younglakey bitch with me who done really well for her first outing and she never looked back :yes:


can be dangerous for the ferrets though one of my jills was accidently ragged by my mates terrier didnt think she was goin to make it but she did and has just had her first litter all kits were well and have good working homes... :yahoo:

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Used to use ferrets with my old terrier and I prefer it to using a smoker, much quieter and more relaxed. However my current dog was attacked by a jill at 8 weeks and has never forgoten, plus the people I rat with don't break there dogs to ferrets and always use a smoker :no:

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Used to use ferrets with my old terrier and I prefer it to using a smoker, much quieter and more relaxed. However my current dog was attacked by a jill at 8 weeks and has never forgoten, plus the people I rat with don't break there dogs to ferrets and always use a smoker :no:



Yeah thats the only downside it can be dangerous for the ferrets :cry:


but far more effective than smokers !

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Guest billy boy

Many thanks to everyone who gave me the information regarding the Ratting situation with the Ferrets.It Is good to hear that some people still use these natural methods.To be quite honest I have n't done too much with these smokers. Sometimes Rats can be in difficult places and will never bolt! With the Ferrets sometimes better results can be attained. However, we have lost alot of Jills through Ratting, not killed outright, but by shock and wounds going the wrong way.


Many Thanks.

Billy boy............

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