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Laws on taking your gun abroad.

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Guest Scuba1

Ok, in Spain, Germany and France it is illegal to shoot at anything but targets. In Spain a air rifle has to be registered with the Guardia Civil and for that you need a N.I.E ( Numero de Identificacion Exrtanjero ) You can get that number at the Policia Nacional. It takes around 21 to get after you put in the Application. If you have a sound moderator on the rifle. Take it of or risk to look at the world through bars for 5 years, if you get nicked with it in Spain. You are not allowed to take pressurerised containers through the euro tunnel in your vehicle, or guns of any kind for that matter.






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if you are a member of basc, they have an excellent advisory service about taking guns over seas. I work overseas alot and often my OH comes along and brings a gun or two and we always use basc to get the right info and forms and permits arranged. worth every penny of membership!

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quote....... " You are not allowed to take pressurized containers through the euro tunnel in your vehicle, or guns of any kind for that matter"




Carriage of Firearms on Eurotunnel shuttles


1. Firearms are not permitted for carriage on Eurotunnel shuttles, unless accompanied by a valid Firearms or Shotgun Certificate(s) corresponding to the weapon(s) carried.


2. Firearms must be declared to staff at the Check-in booths, and/or as otherwise directed by signs on the Terminals.


3. Firearms and shotguns to which this certificate(s) relates must be stored securely at all times so as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, access to the guns by unauthorised persons.


4. It is the responsibility of the certificate holders in each case to ensure that they comply with the conditions of the possession of those firearms.


5. While carrying firearms in a vehicle on a Eurotunnel Passenger shuttle, the following steps are considered to accord with the duty to ensure the safe custody of the firearms and/or ammunition.

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Join BASC, they will supply you with all of the relevant information for the countries that you intend to visit. It's worth the membership fee for the insurance alone. BASC may not be perfect, but they are the best in this country for up to date advice.

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