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Getting My Pup Used To The Ferret Kits

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Introduced my Kits to Burt my Lurcher pup the other day. They're now getting on like a house on fire. They love playing together and its good exercise for both parties. I don't leave them on their own at anytime, I don't think anything would happen but its best to be careful :)


Anyway, I video'd them playing earlier for anyone interested. Apologies for the Soundtrack, Youtube Audioswap is a bit poor. I don't know how to actually put the video in my post so here's the link.




Edited by RWDSteve
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My pups used to be the same when i had a litter they used to play like that but i put a stop to it you dont want to let the dog stand on them on accident.And the dog will get bigger and heavier very nice dog by the way and nice ferrets good luck with them :drink:

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Burt does get a bit excited sometimes and starts stamping his paws down. Its just a case of keeping an eye on them and making sure the Ferts have got somewhere to bolt to if they want to and same for Burt. They seem to communicate pretty well to each other if the other one is going too far with the odd yelp or chirp and its understood.


I'll get some more vids up as they grow. In the process of building them a better run at the moment.


Burt is about 5 months old now, his current favourite things to chase are flies. Need to start moving him onto bigger stuff soon :)


I'm taking him to the Earthdog Running Dog Show at Friden Dale, Derbyshire this weekend (Only for a look). Anyone else going?

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