joebrown 0 Posted August 10, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 10, 2009 It is very heartening to know that there are so many people out there willing to help. We really need this help. Someone knows where this dog is and it looks like they are keeping it all under wraps. Please keep looking everyone. thanks. Quote Link to post
piperg74 0 Posted August 10, 2009 Report Share Posted August 10, 2009 why lie though unless you have something to hide, and the changing of the phone number too maybe she knew the person who stole the dog and was helping them? She didnt know the person who took him, but she defo lied about where he went after her, and shes been complaining about us harassing her (even though we`ve not contacted her since the week we found out she had him) and its her and her mates who have been e-mailing me, I just wish she would tell us the truth about what she did with our wee dog. Quote Link to post
piperg74 0 Posted August 10, 2009 Report Share Posted August 10, 2009 No there is no news yet. Lots of well wishers though, and thanks for that, but we need some info please guys. The last person who had him and passed him on has told a pack of lies and had everyone running around Glasgow putting up posters, wasting valuable money and time, and still refuses to say what she really did with the dog. Why change your phone number and refuse to talk to the owner and even the police if you have nothing to hide. Even the police could get nothing out of her and have given up. Very suspicious. We need help.A BEBO page has been started for him to see if it brings anything. I would just like to thank everyone for their support and good wishes, its been nearly 10 weeks now that Pipers been missing, and we haven`t had any sightings for the last 7 weeks. I still cant believe that scummy junkie took him and gave him away for free. Oh, and forgot to say we phoned scotads to see if we could track down the ad for the BT mentioned that was getting sold out of EK cheap, they said they couldn`t find the ad, but I`m going to see if my local library keeps them and look myself, we`re also going to try adtrader tomorow, they were too busy to look today. Quote Link to post
Guest RAB.MCKAY Posted August 10, 2009 Report Share Posted August 10, 2009 lowest of the low thievs should be tied up and bait with a hammer wish u the best of luck finding ur dog Quote Link to post
piperg74 0 Posted August 11, 2009 Report Share Posted August 11, 2009 No there is no news yet. Lots of well wishers though, and thanks for that, but we need some info please guys. The last person who had him and passed him on has told a pack of lies and had everyone running around Glasgow putting up posters, wasting valuable money and time, and still refuses to say what she really did with the dog. Why change your phone number and refuse to talk to the owner and even the police if you have nothing to hide. Even the police could get nothing out of her and have given up. Very suspicious. We need help.A BEBO page has been started for him to see if it brings anything. I would just like to thank everyone for their support and good wishes, its been nearly 10 weeks now that Pipers been missing, and we haven`t had any sightings for the last 7 weeks. I still cant believe that scummy junkie took him and gave him away for free. Hi, last night my neighbour saw a white car pull up outside my house, he said there was a woman and a dog in the car and she opened the passanger side and tried to get the dog out the car, but she spotted my nieghbour and shut the door and drove off, I don`t know if this was anything to do with us or Piper, but if it was and she saw our posts on here, can you please bring him back, we have a gate at the side of the house either put him in there or tie him to the wooden post at end of drive, if she doesn`t want to come to the house take him to your nearest vets or rescue centre and tell them who he is or even tie a note to him and we`ll take it from there, Cheers Quote Link to post
MAIN MAN 277 Posted August 12, 2009 Report Share Posted August 12, 2009 sounds like they want rid of him! mabe its getting to much hastle keeping a stolen dog good luck!! Quote Link to post
Prince_Jimmy 0 Posted August 12, 2009 Report Share Posted August 12, 2009 good luck Quote Link to post
piperg74 0 Posted August 12, 2009 Report Share Posted August 12, 2009 this topic has gone very quiet boys, must be some news? have a bump on me! Hi, not too good on computers, and I wanted to reply to your last posting, well theres been no news on the car my nieghbour saw the other night, but have had 2 phone calls today from people saying they`ve seen a dog like Piper, one was about a drunk woman who walks about Battlefield, she picks up any stray cats or dogs and has been walking with a dog that looks like mine, the other was saying a woman in Bellahouston Park who only had one BT now has 2 and the new one looks like Piper on his poster, so am going to check out both of them, but if anyone lives or walks near any of these places could you keep an eye out for me. Thanks again for all your help and support Quote Link to post
MAIN MAN 277 Posted August 13, 2009 Report Share Posted August 13, 2009 Try grt round the youngsters in the same area tell them there is a reward they work wonders! when are kids have had there bikes knicked we do it and you wouldnt believe how the little ones spread news when there is a bit of cash on offer! give it a go...... Quote Link to post
joebrown 0 Posted August 15, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2009 Piper's owner is still looking for him. Hoping to follow up leads this weekend. Anyone live near Bellahouston Park or Battlefield? Posters could be emailed to you to put up in local shops etc. Quote Link to post
joebrown 0 Posted August 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted August 17, 2009 Has anyone seen this dog in their travels? Quote Link to post
limey 0 Posted August 19, 2009 Report Share Posted August 19, 2009 Just to let you all know my husband and I have owned Piper, we called him Freddie, for the past 3 months. I bought him after seeing an ad on gumtree from Janie Peacock. She spun me a pack of lies about how he had been her dog for a year but due to work etc she couldn't keep him so I went and collected him from EK. After seeing Tracy's ad's on here and gumtree last night whilst flicking through border terrier pictures on google (I didn't see the newspapers as I'm in Kirkcaldy so don't get Glasgow press) I have called her and she is picking him up tonight. He has been having 5 star treatment, has been very much loved and is happy little man. I am shocked and really hurt by that evil woman for causing so much upset. Janie had my e mail address and mobile all along and knew I stayed in Kirkcaldy. I had no idea he was stolen and am so upset as I feel partly to blame. I am writing this to give everyone looking for a dog hope, if you get the word out enough, people will see them and anyone with half a heart will give them back, however hard it may be. I have also forwarded all of the correspondance I had with Janie re buying the wee man to Tracy so fingers crossed the police will be able to punish her. I m so pleased I kept it!! Three cheers for Piper!!! Quote Link to post
coldweld 65 Posted August 19, 2009 Report Share Posted August 19, 2009 It's Good to see there are fine upstanding people still about ! SOOOOOOOO glad piper is home. Limey i hope you have not lost much cash and i'm sure you will get a reward of some sort for your honesty ! Quote Link to post
Doglost Co-Ordinator 4 Posted August 19, 2009 Report Share Posted August 19, 2009 I wish Id seen this sooner but credit to Pipers owners for not giving up & to Limey for joining this site to post the news. If all people were so honest more stolen dogs would be back with there owners. I know you will gain a lot of thanks and respect for doing what you have dne Quote Link to post
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