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deerhound x owners

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i hav a few deerhound / wheaten / bull xs and personally i like the size of deerhounds

and the rugidness defo a one man dog heres father and son

strong looking dogs there mate my old man had a half cross deerhound greyhound stone cold mental

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thanks for all your replys everybody, please carry on this thread ,always open to other peoples thoughts & experiances cheers shifty

shifty forget about breeding your bitch and forget bull crosses and saluki crosses the land you have wants a smaller dog with a few brains go for a collie cross maybe a three quarter hancock or similer . a collie cross trained properly and from good lines takes some beating . you will also know exactly whats in it not like most of the heinz 57 lurchers that are so watered down god knows whats in them . collie greyhound everytime a proper lurcher

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thanks for all your replys everybody, please carry on this thread ,always open to other peoples thoughts & experiances cheers shifty

shifty forget about breeding your bitch and forget bull crosses and saluki crosses the land you have wants a smaller dog with a few brains go for a collie cross maybe a three quarter hancock or similer . a collie cross trained properly and from good lines takes some beating . you will also know exactly whats in it not like most of the heinz 57 lurchers that are so watered down god knows whats in them . collie greyhound everytime a proper lurcher

shifty deerhounds are great dogs but no good on fields the size of a postage stamp .

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thanks for all your replys everybody, please carry on this thread ,always open to other peoples thoughts & experiances cheers shifty

you must be starting to see sence now are you.the dog is there for you mate when you are ready to use him. :D:D

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