Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted August 12, 2006 Report Share Posted August 12, 2006 Show's over, lads. Today I went down to the Styx. I found the noose, as usual, pulled. There was some more, fresh shit. Out on the middle of the girder bridge again. Naturally, I had to go out there to it. Examine it and photograph it. This I did. A damn scary experiance at the best of times as I'm not too good at walking girders anyway and right now, because I'm not eating, I find myself staggering about the bog. Let alone doing high wire acts. Anyway, I got out there and got my record shot. I also got the surprise of my life and am Oh So Glad I never fell, face first, onto just what so shook me. Something big and dark had since floated back to the surface. Wearing the BMI Magnum from my open ended Cubby. I was at once satisfied that I'd done what I'd initially set out to do - which was just catch a mink. Remember; At that point I was just after one. I hadn't started Wiring for them then. Equelly, I was gutted that this ones tail would obviously be of no use to me, for my hat band. When I found a stick and hoisted him out onto the bank ..... Ok. I have to put the wires and killing traps on hold here. This countryside is jam packed full of fowl killers - neighbour got hit just the other night. F*** him. He wants all my building work but never even thought to offer me a drink to ring fence his fowls with tunnels. Now he's paid. Only trouble is, not All that moves through our ditches at night and slaughters our small stock is mink. This wasn't Obviously, I'm Not about to slap up photo's as proof of my piric victory. The Anti's and Anti Press here would just love such shots for their propoganda. My catch was Not what I was targetting. As this record shows, I did everything anyone could do to ensure I took only my target species. This one just hadn't read the book and stayed back in the trees. It's legally excusable, but not ethically. I Have To cease my operations to curb further risk of such 'accidents'. Don't worry though; All is far from lost I have Live Catch Cage Traps at my disposal and shall be aquiring more now. It'll have to wait untill I (Hopefully!) get granted my shot gun lisence and arm myself with a .410 for despatch purposes. That girder's just made for a Fenn Double Entry Mink Cage and then I can release any further non targets, unharmed There Are mink here, and mink aplenty. I'll get amongst them. Only it looks like their native relatives are making a come back like probably no one ever envisaged. That's their birth right. Mheanwhile, if I ever find my own fowls I'll lock them up like Fort Knox and will protect them by every means at my disposal. But, for this 'fun' trapping? It'll just have to be Cages. Many thanks to all who have advised and assisted me on this trip ~ and it Was a trip! And a special thanks to " Coney Trappr " there for brightening up my days! But it looks like - for this particular album - this really has to be The Final Cut. Quote Link to post
Ricky-N.p.p 0 Posted August 12, 2006 Report Share Posted August 12, 2006 great thread ditchshitter ! Quote Link to post
moley 115 Posted August 12, 2006 Report Share Posted August 12, 2006 im absolutly gutted that you gave up , just when it was all coming together, the first place i look at when i switch on this damned computer is this thread on this site, what can i do with my spare time now? Quote Link to post
Guest MOLLY Posted August 12, 2006 Report Share Posted August 12, 2006 Ditch_Shitter said: because I'm not eating, I find myself staggering about the bog. In the mean time will you bloody trap/snare something you and your dogs can eat! MOLL. Quote Link to post
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted August 12, 2006 Report Share Posted August 12, 2006 It's alright, Moll. No way was I - or the dogs - eating what I hauled out of that ditch today. Big, meaty f***a though it was. No, but I've just got back from town. Dogs are well fed and relaxing. I've had a drawn out few pints of Guinnii (now sat with a nice mugga tea) and am relaxing. Ton of food out in the kitchen. Cans of Guinnii chilling in the fridge. Two hundred euro's up on the side there. Plenty more to be earned where that came from Trapping. All it was; I'd left my plastic in the wall. It went walk about. Canceled it. Ordered a new one. They sent it ..... f***ing muslims kicked off! My replacement plastic's sat in a british airport somewhere. I just ran out of readies and food at the same time. All sorted now, thanks. And as for trapping to eat? Over here? Believe it or not, we have - in my area - virtually no rabbits. No squirrels what so ever. Hares are left alone, because ... I'm told there are deer; Sika and one or two others. I wouldn't have a clue. Foxes? People talk of them, but I've never seen a sign of one. There's also said to be some escaped Boar. We do have mink. But I'd personally suggest the two most thick on the ground animals, round here, are badgers and pine marten. How about that? See what I mean? So, short of rats, there's actually not an awful lot I could trap and eat No. I'm doing alright, controlling pests for other people. It was just an unimaginable chain of circumstances there that pulled the rug for a few days. There's more, but it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Life is sweet again Oh! One funny thing I must tell you! I asked the shop to deliver my huge pile of provisions, but snatched a Brack (Sort of fruit loaf we have here) off the pile, to eat there and then. As I walked shakily out of the shop, intent on my first feed, a lady walking by spotted me and - with consumate understanding - smiled and said; " Are you going to Attack that? " F***ing right I was! And Did! Quote Link to post
Ricky-N.p.p 0 Posted August 12, 2006 Report Share Posted August 12, 2006 get some of those hares in a pie mate ! dare i say it... I love a hare pie Quote Link to post
john b 38 Posted August 14, 2006 Report Share Posted August 14, 2006 Ditch - have a go at this then mate. I'd love to see what you put in the 'any other comments' box Quote Link to post
Fletcher 0 Posted August 14, 2006 Report Share Posted August 14, 2006 Looking forward to your next adventure. Quote Link to post
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted August 14, 2006 Report Share Posted August 14, 2006 Damn, JohnB, that's brilliant! Cheers, mate! I've got the questionairre and have run over it. I'll have to sit and consider how I approach this guy now. I'm not certain what his take might be on 'other things', but I can certainly put him straight on some there! I'm about to get busy here, feeding my dogs and sorting my 'stock out. But I'll mull over this whole thing. I'm all for doing my bit and will gladly get involved with this survey issue. Perhaps I could even convince the guy to broaden it's scope somewhat? He assures us confidentiallity. Well, if he can convince me I'm ok to tell him All I know, I'll fill his ears and I'm sure we can have one hell of a discussion! My own, private, experiances have proven - beyond doubt - to me that these bogs are absolutley running alive. And it's Not mostly with mink! I think the scientists, in their offices, need to know this. Not even sure how many 'Farmers' would bother to make the distinction. I'll let ye know how I get on Fletcher; Every day here's an adventure for me, mate. I'm sure it won't be long before I'm telling you all a running commentary on another one! Quote Link to post
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted August 14, 2006 Report Share Posted August 14, 2006 Ditch_Shitter said: I'll let ye know how I get on Curioser and curioser! I e mailed Conall Hawkins, at the addy given for him. Bounced back. Doesn't exist. So then I e mailed the Chairman of CSI, at the addy given for him. Guess what? And I only wanted to enquire if Mr Conall was cosher. Maybe I'll just stay out on the bog, alone, and keep my secrets to myself, eh? Quote Link to post
allrounder 47 Posted August 15, 2006 Report Share Posted August 15, 2006 come on shitter hurry up and catch one hows longs it gunna take :11: :whistle: Quote Link to post
Guest baldie Posted August 28, 2006 Report Share Posted August 28, 2006 Ace thread DS .....dare i say it..........have you thought of shooting the b*****d? :11: Quote Link to post
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