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Wildlife and Countryside Act (the defunct legislation)


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In the attestation DEFRA and police officers take it states they are to uphold

fundamental human rights, this oath is then broken by any enforcement of the wildlife and countryside act which contradicts human rights by stating that a suspect is guilty until he proves himself innocent. The most significant clause of the Statute of Tallage is Chapter Four, where the Crown promises never to impose laws that infringe any common law rights or liberties, the wildlife and countryside act also contradicts this law. Furthermore "We will

and grant for us and our heirs," states King Edward’s Act, "that all clerks and laymen of our land shall have all their laws, liberties and free customs as largely and wholly as they have used to have the same at any time when they had them best and most fully; and if any statutes have been made by us or our ancestors, or any customs brought in contrary to them, or any manner of article contained in this present charter, we will and grant that

each manner of statutes and customs shall be void and frustrate for evermore." That clearly states the wildlife and countryside act is void. It does not apply! To take this further there is the fact that DEFRA and all police (as far as im aware) are COMPANIES, registered to the companies house(registration numbers found for DEFRA are: UC6035210, UC6248538 and UC4631666. North yorkshire police and NYP authority are: UC4633021 and UC6039748. South Devon and Cornwall police are actually privately owned by IBM, it an easy fact to find just by looking at the entries to companies house) which means (due to company law) they can only have authority over any member of public through form of contract. This means that defra enforcement officers who claim right to enter private property do not, unless you give them consent. enforcement of the wildlife and countryside act also needs consent (even for the police), not only for them to have authority over you but also for the statute to have "force of law" (statutes are not law and by definition is: A legislative rule of society given the force of law by the consent of the governed.) This means that the wildlife and countryside act is defunct and has no

lawful power!


Dont take my word for any of this, go and do the research for yourself. It truly is an unlawful defunct law!

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