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finished the run at the bottom of my cage

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I finally finished the run at the bottom of my cage this weekend as it stopped raining.


Moving house soon so I havent done what I completly wanted to do but had to get the run done for now.


I put some hanging pipes up and used some tubing.for them to get up and down the levels. :yes:












I can not wait to get out ferreting this winter as seems to be loads of rabbits about this year. :thumbs:


Got a couple of young to train up and my jill from last year will be in her secound season, so she should be a lot more clued up this season.

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Kay - Looks great, the only thing I would do differently is to put some battening round the bottom & staple the mesh on to it


Hi Kay, not sure what you mean as this is what I have done around the bottom of the cage. It is on legs that have been made into a run at the bottom with batten and wire stapled to it. Do you mean the floor?


Once I move house I am Going to make some alterations to the run at the bottom, for example I am going to add doors to the run instead of just stapled mesh and also a tube that runs out to an extra run I have built out of an old TV cabinet.



Martin - Just out of interest whereabouts do they shit?


Good question Martin, I am still trying to resolve that issue. I have only just opened up the cage as one whole unit after breeding, at that time they would just go up one end of their individual cage. Now however they are going all over the place and don’t seem to know where to go lol.


I am going to get a tray that i have seen in my local garden centre and try to get them to go in that at the bottom of the run so it’s easy to clean out.


This may take a little time as they have been used to going in the other areas but I think if I scrap it up and place it in the tray every day they may get used to going in that area.


I will let you know how I get on!!!!

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  Maria_ferrets said:
That is an awesome cage, I'd love to have something that big.


One thing to keep in mind though, ferrets can be lazy.. If they are on the top level and decide they need to take a dump chances are they're not going to go through 5 levels to get there.


good point i may need to put a tray on some other levels as well, like i say havent got round to solving this one yet so thanks for the advice.

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