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Deer head preperation

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how long do i need to boil a deer head for? ive got a fox head (from a road casualty) and thought that i would have a go at stripping and bleaching it. i assume that the process for deer and fox will be the same (apart from the antlers obviously). Thanks in advance for any hints or tips.



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how long do i need to boil a deer head for? ive got a fox head (from a road casualty) and thought that i would have a go at stripping and bleaching it. i assume that the process for deer and fox will be the same (apart from the antlers obviously). Thanks in advance for any hints or tips.




The thought of the smell that will go with boiling a fox head is mind boggling, and divorce material at the very least.

Bury it in the garden for a couple of months, let the worms do the job for you!

If you are determined to go this route, just boil it until all of the flesh comes off, then a blast with a pressure washer should shift most of it. You may have to scrape some cartilage off, then a dunk in Domestos.

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the missus s away visiting her family for a week, so its just me and dog (well its dogs, but she only knows about the 1. im sure she will be more worried about the dog than the fox head). its smells a bit like when you boil a chicken carcass for stock. shes not back till thursday, so ive got half a week to clear the house of the smell. anyway, women enjoy cleaning ! lol.

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i brought the head to the boil, and then simmered it for approx 20hrs. the flesh just fell away from the bone really easily. Like i said the smell wasnt too bad, a bit like chicken stock. unfortunately i think i boiled it for too long, as when i was removing the flesh, the teeth fell out as well. what is the normal time frame (if there is one) for boiling deer head? or do i just need more practice? lol

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Boiled for 20 mins to 1/2 hr with a dishwasher tablet (once the Mrs has gone to bed ;) ). The boiling always seems to leave a bit around the nasel cavety so i string them up in a bush for a few days for the flies to clean up.

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Thats cracking, thanks for all the replies guys. i will post some piccys when im done. think i may need to find a new head tho, this one was badly fractured from the RTA that killed it. ill have a practice on it re the teeth and all. thanks for the advice.



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