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My little bullterrier.

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This is Eden at a year old.

I would love to try her on the rats think she would work well.

If there is anyone in the Northamptonshire area who wouldnt mind Eden and i tagging along to do abit we would be more than happy.


Thank you hope you enjoy the pics.










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Thats a little cracker you have. Whats her brain like. Have you done any bite work with her. Does she retrieve a ball for you. You have her in great nick fair play to you.



Thanks mate....she is very intelligent little bitch.Full of drive.

She will run all day retrieveing a ball.

No never done bite work but we are up for learning.

She is a little package with massive heart.


Thanks again.

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Sounds like a really good one you have. far and few apart. If you do decide to do some bite work with her, only give her a couple of bites to see what her jaw is like. Some people ruin there dogs by giving them bite work all the time. We used to do it for years. We would give the dog a couple of bites on the slieve and leave it at that for a few weeks. Once we had a good idea of the dogs bite we would leave it at that. Try and get her to squeeze instead of pulling and shakeing the slieve. If you do too much bite work your dog can go of its head, they lock onto the slieve and go into a trance. You find it harder to get them of. A friend of mine had an English bull years ago. We mixed him into a few different types. We mix bred dogs for obedience,agility and bite work. He was a 1 in a million. Hard to come accross a good one. Enjoy her.

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