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Evenings calling

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Most of my stalking is still covered with crops of one sort or another but on this particular farm ,there is a set aside piece right in the middle .Half of it has volunteer rape growing very raggedly and the rest is just bare earth .The hedges around it are very lush providing an ideal habitat for the roe deer .I bumped a doe as i approached this field but she obligingly ran off in the opposite direction .No gates on this farm as its all arable so a quick scan around the area immediately behind the gateway gap and i crept into the field.A doe was reaching up to browse the hedge about 70 yards to my right so keeping an eye on her i moved up the hedge to get a bit of cover behind me .Set the sticks and gun to face front and started calling with the old buttalo.The doe predictably ,froze and didnt relax for some time until she eventually resumed feeding and finally sat down on the old plough line .I continued calling with the buttalo in the palm of my hand ,partly covered so as to muffle the sound a bit .I noticed a deer way down the hedge line and a scan with the bins revealed a buck thrashing the lower branches of an oak tree.It was apparent to me that his presence was no coincidence and that he was responding to the call ,even if in a roundabout way .A few more peeps saw him move down deliberately to the next tree of thrashable height and gave this a pasting too .All the time ,the doe just sat there taking in her surroundings but as he approached ,she became nervous ,craning her neck and flicking both ears forward .The buck stopped to thrash a clump of nettles violently and this was enough for the doe as she got up and ran towards me a bit .At the sight of the doe ,the buck ran forward but was distracted by where she had been sat and scented the ground deeply .I could see he was in a very high state of breeding condition as he rolled back his top lip to descipher the scent .I dont think the doe was bang on but he was going to try anyway and made to chase her .She did something ive never heard before or known about .She screamed a very high pitched noise ,something akin to a hare in distress and he stopped in his tracks allowing her to move off and through the hedge just by him .I peeped again and he thrashed a small sapling by him until it snapped .Wish id had a video as this was by far the best insight into roe breeding behaviour that i have ever witnessed .

I studied him in the scope and decided that he was shootable,being a bit past his best with a poor head .After he fell i scanned the field and picked up another buck moving in but i had gotten what i came for and retreated to get the truck .



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