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my home made incubator

Guest iceaz

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Guest wickidweasel
try using a fan out of an old pc and power it with an old mobile phone charger.Ive hatched loads of bantam eggs but aint had a lot of luck with ones ive got through the post ie E-BAY.Im just in the process of making an incubator out of an old microwave(take out the electrics and you have a good basis for an incubator)


I like the idea of using a microwave why not use the fan and light fitting that was already in it?

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Guest Keeps

We have a very old fashioned incubator which we have used to hatch out quail and OEG's (years ago). Always used to spray the eggs with water each time they were turned. We're going to dig it out again soon, been saving a few chinese painted quail eggs to incubate :)

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