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my home made incubator

Guest iceaz

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Guest iceaz

iv started making my incubator now its simple just

- 2 tubs that will fit together snug

- 25w Red bulb

- power suply (for bulb)


im will be hatching quail, silver quail, chickens, duck, phesents







i cut a circular hole for the bulb connection to fit through then screw in bulb from inside




you can see how nice the tubs fit together



i will be drilling holes on top and around sides and also will be putting a layer of mesh inside for the eggs to sit on im usesing 1inch mesh as eggs will sit nice


and a thermometer

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Guest iceaz

about 37.5 a few degrees higher or lower is ok


the hard bit is that i will have to turn the eggs by hand a few times a day depending on what egg is in


for humidity just put a small dish of water inside but with quail the dont need it

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Guest wickidweasel

I would be suprised if that dont melt never done bird eggs but ive always used a stat for reptile eggs is wet vermiculite and sand not anygood for humidity with birds eggs. used to have one made out of a small fridge with pc fans fitted

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Guest wickidweasel

I wouldnt bother in your setup mate in larger ones ive always had them in the bottom so they dont draw out the heat but keep the temperature even over a distance when using heat mats and cables. i would add some ventilation tho otherwise you end up with a damp wet enviroment instead of a humid one although i would think the hard shells of birds are less prone to moulds and fungus. I would also add a reflective plate to deflect the heat away from the plastic either butcher some tins or glue ceramic tiles to the top above the bulb. Another cheap alternative could be one of them electronic propogators but im not sure how stable the stats are on them. This thread has reminded me i read somewhere you can hatch an egg from the supermarket ill see what parts i have in the loft from my reptile keeping days and maybe see what happens:D


Forgot to say when a warm humid enviroment is needed a fishtank heater in a jar can work well

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Guest oldskool

to iceaz,, i would like to give that a go,, but i dont want to make a balls up. will u get your eggs off ebay. i was lookin and there seems to be quite a selection. does the bulb have to be red??

Edited by oldskool
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Guest iceaz

the bulb has to be red they wont grow in white light


im getting my eggs of a friend who has kindly offered me some free of charge


and yes i also heard you can use eggs from super market as long as they are not older then 4 days or summet onthe same lines as that


cheers lads

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i would be tempted to plug it into a thermostat for peace of mind they start at around £20 for a brand new one you can also use poly boxes that fish get transported in ive seen a few home made incubators made from them

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it will need a thermostat ..cheap one off old central heating will do ..they will not need humidity until the last few days ,then a damp flannel will do,unless you are hatching waterfowl ,then they will need more humidity

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dont forget to turn them at least 3 times a day, or else youll have

chicks with funky looking fecked up feet.


You'll need a small dish of water all the way through, dont let

it dry out, then youll need a bigger (larger surface area) dish

for the last few days, as you need more humiderty at the end.


I can certainly be done with your set up, just get the temp right, before adding eggs.




youll also need to make up something to candle the eggs, that way you

can take out the ones that aint doing too well, before they stink it up.

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try using a fan out of an old pc and power it with an old mobile phone charger.Ive hatched loads of bantam eggs but aint had a lot of luck with ones ive got through the post ie E-BAY.Im just in the process of making an incubator out of an old microwave(take out the electrics and you have a good basis for an incubator)

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