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new lakey bitch 14 mnths old

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how do you find them mate? are they hard, early starters etc etc??



not had a problem with mine... they are hard enough for me,bay when they need to & mix it when they can ;)

i normally start them at anywere between 12/18 months, but like children, you have to let them grow up and some do faster than others...

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stick with it. my patt didnt enter till18 months never went 2 ground she would have a sniff at holes go in a meter and that was about it.wouldnt rag a dead fox either. she worked a couple o rats and nailed a couple of rabbits and to be honest if id spent more time with her i dont know if it would have made her better but i did wander if she was going to be a non starter .she was at a dig just to watch once and got of her lead and out of the blue shot down a hole on a 2 holer and drew out the quary.had her out a few times since and whenever she goes 2 ground we get a bolt or a mark on her but there are days it was like before she will go to a hole sniff and walk away i think she knows theres no one at home wheras before id be thinking non starter to scared ,not ready for work etc. i was probably not giving her the benefit of the doubt now if she walks away i trust her if she drops down i can expect sumthing.im no expert so all ican give you is going by what ive seen with mine and that is dont rush the dog and give it the benefit of the doubt .any of u jocks go to moy?

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Guest oldskool

i dont mean to slate all lakeys but i havent seen a hard one nor a good one in this part of the country. i think its show crap they are breeding here and then they add 'working strain' in the adverts to increase sales. the above picture are lovely looking dogs and are what i would expect a lakland to look like. the type of lakeland bred here are very silky coated and often carry top knots that the owners tie up in a bow :11:

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oldskool i am not a kick in the arse away from you as you know but there are working lakelands in your backyard fella. there certainly is a number of show types but also workers. i will say this as a much more experienced diggin man says to me when i got my first lakeland cross that you tend to get real good ones or complete dirt and very littel in between. i agree with this statement.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest oldskool
Thats abit early to put her to ground dont you thiink :o

shes still a pup yet ! let her mature ! or you wil reck the dog !






i dont think he's a pup now mate, considering the thread is over 2 years old :tongue2:


it would be nice to hear how the dog faired out tho :thumbs:

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IMO that dog is too young to right off... now you have got the dog give it time dont try and enter it straight away, let the dog setlle in and enter it when you think its ready and also dont give it to much...




do you think i should get her a couple of days at the rats to get her confidence up ?



ratting is a good way of building a dogs confidence up it keens them up. work round them with the shovel as they mark the holes dig the rats out for them this will learn them to trust you and build a bond with you, a dog always wants to please his master and ratting in my eyes is the best method to keen young stock up. Personally dont like end of a dig shiit let the dog go when its ready.P.S KEEP DIGGING!
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