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Barking In Kennel When Needing A Poo,

Guest RookyHunterToddy

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Guest RookyHunterToddy

Hi My Lurcher Dog Zak Barks In The Kennel When He Needs A Poo, Through Night Aswell Neigbores Are Starting To Complaine, Does Anyone Have An Idea What i Can Do To Stop Him? Thanks


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probably wont go in the run as he veiws this as his space, its good to have a clean dog like this, as mentioned above change feeding and exercise routine and and smile while being in the know that your kennels wont become smelly or damadged due to toileting inside

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If you feed him raw meat he won't have the volume to crap out, therefore he won't need to off load as often.

If i don't fit the morning run in then mine can wait 24hrs rather than go in the garden.

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My dog is a funny sod too, lives in but won't pee or crap in the garden. Will whine at me until I take him out on walk 2 go. Don't mind as I have a little girl who plays in garden. can be a balls ache if some one else is dog sitting though. Found barf was the way mate to keep him with out 1 longer. cheers

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