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what should i do

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what should i do as my bros jack russel mauld my mums chiwawa on saterday afternoon ther have lived together since we got the jackrussel shes now 3 and the chiwawa was 14 the jack russel got the chiwawa by the kneck and must of raggd the chiwawa as the state of her kneck this jack russel will not work below ground and has not had a go at rats yes as we cant find anywere to try her on them should we keep her or sell her ??? its a hard dession my mum now hates the jack russel the jackrussel is my bros gog i have a ess and the chiwawa was my mums dog

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the chwawa is alredy sorted the jackrussel dont it ther was blood all over the carpet but we are just gonny have 2 put up wi mum and keep the dog i think shes justt been a late starter but we want to try ratting with her but nowere to go with her

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My first question: why would YOU need to do anything about the dog? It's your bros, isn't it?

If he would ask the same, my answer was:


I would not sell the dog. It would not solve problems (well, maybe yours it would).


I think you should think how did you (both you and the dog) got to here. Normal dogs in normal cases don't kill other dogs. Either the dog or the behaviour you let him was incorrect.

There are "wild" and agressive dogs kept in good hands so that they do not make any harm to any dog or human in their whole life.

And there are (originally) normal dogs whom in "not the right hands" get mad.


If you think you are the one that needs to change, than it's your turn and it would be a great opportunity to show your mom that you are sorry and you are about to change and that it will NEVER happen again.


If you think it's the dog's "fault" than selling him wouldn't change a thing. (If you could sell him at all. What would you say if the buyer-to-be ask about why do you sell him??)


It also depends on your relation to your mom: if she hates the dog and he killed her dog...


A JRT that doesn't work anyway doesn't worth...khm...much.







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  kx100 said:
its my twins dog but we willl not get rid of the dog unless my mum forces us


Did you realise of what you asked in your first post:

should we keep her or sell her ???



Well, actually no more dogs in the house, so he will not kill any once again. ;)







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Guest Countryboyo

I wouldnt keep a working dog housed with a hamsterdog. Keep the terrier if it was any other dog he fought there might be a scrape or two and the fight could be separated and nothing more thought of it but with those pointless little rodents of chiwawas or whatever you call them it was only a matter of time until it was mistaken for a rat. He should fly at the ratting anyway lad :clapper: get him to a farm there will be plenty rats there. buy your mam a guinnea pig and a cage and that will solve the problem.

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my brother was looking after the dog we think shes in heat as when she normaly comes in to heat she gets nippy also the chiwawa could not fight back as she had no teeth ans her back end was not working properly and the vet said she was fine and would not let my mm have the dog put down the week before as her back legs did not work so my mum had her bookd in for the next day but the jrt got ther first also we were not in the house when this happend

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