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The truth of it is, if half the population died tommorow, the rest would have a much better future.


The thing with africa is, aids is killing millions of africans off, but they're also starving, if it wasn't for aids, a lot more africans would of starved to death.


If we cure aids, aren't we just starving them to death?




If you were a women, in africa, why would you have babies? knowing they were either going to die from aids, starvation or infected water.


Even if they're the 1% that don't die from that, they're going to have a terrible life.

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Well fella's , i have been involved with publishing some corporate magazines for a variety of African countries and , let me tell you, the people with power in those areas have lots and lots of cash. they do not care about their people and i firmly beleive that all the aid sent from this country is being syphoned off into the polititians pockets. thats why giving Aid to africa is a load of bullshine!

As has already been said, Oil is a major deal, and certain countries are "rich" with it.


I know its a sad affair but IMO the people are dying because there is too many of them and it is unnatural for the surrounding ecosystem. Such poor people cannot get the funds to create and artificial environment , like we see all around us now, and so perish as a result. Just MO.


Undoubtably this will all come back to bite us on the arse. But we need to stop being mislead into what we think is good for the planet and what really is. IanB gave a good example of the turbines, another is recycled paper. In many cases it is better to use FSC paper that has been sourced from trees grown for the purpose of pulp. Why? I hear some cry, not use old paper . The reason is, and its all kept hush hush, is that lots of bleach is used to turn the recycled paper white again!! Lots of chemicals and energy is used to label that product, Envio-friendly. When , in reality , it isnt.


Still, our time will come.

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Bloody hell, I can smell the camomile tea from here, where's Simoman when you need him? :D


All jokes aside, we are doomed as a race. The only way for us all to carry on living as we live, is for all the countries on the earth to put aside their differences and pull together. Efforts should be made to advance the space program, after all, if America could put a man on the moon 40 years ago with 1960's technology, what could the collective sum of all of todays bright sparks do with unlimited backing?

We could then look at colonising other planets, and with the extra space, expand ourselves to the next level. I think the human race has the ability to advance itself way beyond it's current level, just look at how far we've come in the last hundred years or so.


The pity is that this will never happen as long as we continue to fight needless wars amongst nations, and ever rely on outdated methods of energy generation. There are plenty of viable alternative methods of generating the power we consume. More money needs to be put into fusion power, and besides that, the tides around the world have huge energy potential, and are predicable. Hydroelectricity is a proven form of energy generation, it wouldn't be a huge step to convert the methods used by dams all over the world into viable forms of tidal energy production.


I also read a piece yesterday about the energy potential in the jet stream in the upper atmosphere. I read that if just 1% of this energy was tapped, it would be enough for the entire planet.


It's all just pipes dreams though, none of this will ever happen while we're killing each other in the names of various gods, of fighting over oil. :(

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Malts, they would be well advised not to start messing about with the jet stream. I believe it is much further south than it should be. If things contiinue we could well end up with mother nature getting mighty pissed!!

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Malts, they would be well advised not to start messing about with the jet stream. I believe it is much further south than it should be. If things contiinue we could well end up with mother nature getting mighty pissed!!

All they have to do is fly a few tethered kites up there in the airflow JD! :D


It does vary from time to time though, it never stays in the same place. Just happens it's been low for the past three summers. Certain minds are just trying to make a big deal of it at the minute, because the religion of global warming led them to predict that every summer would a hot, dry one, after we had those scorchers a few years back. :thumbs:

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Bloody hell, I can smell the camomile tea from here, where's Simoman when you need him? :D




I think the planet is doomed and we are far too populated, the best thing is to follow Darcys example and just have man-love, all the enjoyment but no babies, hes mates with men to save the planet.


I think Ian was bored at work and feeling all philosophical :tongue2:

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