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Guest Scuba1

I have only just found it and yes I did watch it. That pretty much sums up my view on life and why I do what I am doing and going to do in the future. A very good find indeed and thanks for sharing.





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Ian, we will never reverse what we have done now, only slow its effects. Our greed and desire to breed and spread to every "empty" space will be our and our planets downfall. Life will go on after our demise, but how sad we "must " destroy the earth.

Thats why i think that there can be no GOD, if there was, then he surely wouldnt have let humans destroy this amazing place we live in.


I am a consumer, i am just as guilty as everyone else. It is us, consumers, that are eating the planet away. It would take a virus to wipe out a large % of the population to make any effect on our fullscale destruction.


Sure we all talk the good talk, climate change this, and carbon footprint that...but in the end, money comes to the top. If we all had enopugh we wouldnt be driving about in a robin relient, no, we would have a nice 4 wheel drive gas-guzzler.


And that is another reason against NOT buying fairtrade. If all the third world countries were to become more wealthy then they would all be able to afford to buy items that require power, that polute the world. Just imagine if there were an extra 100 million cars out there, or, perhaps an extra 10 million fridges.


A blinkered view from me? Yes, i am guilty.


Our population is out of control, and until this is whipped into line then we are treading a rocky path right up to the precipice......Sadly, i cannot seeing us, or our amazing world, having a Happy Ending. It's a shame.

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This effect is already happening - as China and India get richer and industry moves to those continents, richer populations are created and the demand for staple foods, luxuries like meat and fossil fuels increase

so more pollution, there is a direct correlation on.


I believe we can ensure labourers are not treated unfairly and paid a fair wage whilst educating on energy efficiency and finding alternative fuel supplies, there will be a breakthrough on energy - there has to be, or the oil crisis will fck over the population and only those who don't rely on it day to day - hand to mouth communities - will survive.

Edited by artic
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This effect is already happening - as China and India get richer and industry moves to those continents, richer populations are created and the demand for staple foods, luxuries like meat and fossil fuels increase

so more pollution, there is a direct correlation on.


I believe we can ensure labourers are not treated unfairly and paid a fair wage whilst educating on energy efficiency and finding alternative fuel supplies, there will be a breakthrough on energy - there has to be, or the oil crisis will fck over the population and only those who don't rely on it day to day - hand to mouth communities - will survive.



Arctic, thats quite an idealistic view, and i would love to don my rose-tinted glasses and we all live happily ever after. However, i doubt if that would be the case. Fossil fuels will eventually run out, and then we are all stuffed.


I once read a quote in a magazine, it said that if everyone in China was to buy a fridge then the world would end!! Now i cannot comment on the accuracy of such a statement, but i get the drift.


I am afraid we humans are that greedy we cannot "learn" until it is too late. None of the powers that be dare mention curbing our population.....why? Because its probably not good for their political image......


the problem, as ever, lies with our ability to increase like rats....but unlike rats..we have no serious natural predetors. We breed and consume, breed and consume. Theres only one thing that can stop this now and thats if something really bad happens to the human race.... I know it is a radical opinion, but i can see , realistically, what else would stop of destruction of the earth.....


At the end of the day....the earth only has ONE problem....and that is TOO MANY humans. :blink:

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JD the full world, every country and man ,must make an effort for it to work, our government is trying, some ideas are unrealistical, take for example, were I work they have power tubines that run on natural gas, they have a set amount of exhaust emissions, they want it to run on one turbine instead of two, to cut on emissions, but this leaves the plant open to any hiccups with no backup so its shuts down, its also fully loads one turbine up?? What am I getting at, the rest of the world, take for example africa, is burning more gas millions upon millions of standard cubic feet density because they have no use or lines to compress the gas and use it, they just require the oil... It pails into insignificance, no matter what we do, it won't matter if other countries don't follow suit...

It may sound sad, and theres not much we can do about it, but I think the human races great success will be its own downfall...

In moderation and control yes, we can live in a harmony with the world, in an ideal world... but as we speak, sad as it is, we are parasites on this great planet, only time will tell, but its the futures generations that will suffer, the children of todays children.... none of us will live to see the outcome..

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Ive been saying it for f*****g years, far too many grubby little mits on this earth.


We need BIRTH CONTROL and we need it fast. Everyone should have to undergo tests before they are permitted to breed, this would cut out a vast amount of inherited diseases. basicly we need to cut the whole human population across the entire planet, about 500 million people would be a nice equalibrium!


And there we are providing (at the expense of tax payers) I.V.f*****g F :thumbdown: treatments for those that cannot naturally concieve, its called natural selection people...

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