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Yo airgunners, and the gay gunners :D You know who you are ;) Any one out this evening, pissing down here, has been all day, if it stops for a hour I may go for a wander to see whats about, any one else mooching tonight? Before some one gets bored and starts a poll :D





Was hoping to go out today, but its persistantly precipitating over here :(


I went into the cess pit that is Hull today and got the two parts I need to get my Hills (BSA badged) stirrup pump up and running :D Cost me £4.00 for two adapters (Hose to pump and Pump to Quick Fill connector) and 2 washers from a specialist hose company. Just awaiting the moisure trap and particulate filter that I got on Ebay for £9.00 :clapper: Then I can fill my S200 again.


Until then, I'll stick to my SMK19 with its Custom Silencer :D



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Not been out at all for about two f****ng months now!!


Big family problems and work's been mad. And it's pi**ing down in Leeds again. Doing my head in!!!! :angry:


Watever happens, I'm off out for a few hours this Saturday morning and bo**oks to the lot of 'em!



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Its pissing down now and the wind has gone ..............aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg


I know how bad it can be with uncontrolable flatulance and a weak bladder....


It's aweful!


You have my sympathy, Michael.




PS. Glad the flatulance has got better.


PPS. Are we going to get told off for banter??

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Was thinking of going out for a shine with my friend and the dogs. Only trouble is i can't get my hands on a boat at the mo, it's pi**ing down here, hasn't stoppped for a good hour. Going to give it another hour before the beers come out, no work tom !! :)

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its pissing down here to but still went out,got 10 pins down i tink its called a strike,then went for a curry and then home for some birthday cake :D:D:D:D


just replying to the title :D:D






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its pissing down here to but still went out,got 10 pins down i tink its called a strike,then went for a curry and then home for some birthday cake :D:D:D:D


just replying to the title :D:D







Is it your birthday today really then Davy?

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Back now after a good evenings work, weather feels like October but the rain has stopped, able to take a Vixen & her two Cubs, got into the Rats as best I could with the help from the farmers son that got a bit trigger happy when he sore Rats scrambling up the bales in my spot, I thought he was going to take my ear off but able to get out the way, I finnished up there after we made a pyre & disposed of 30 or so Rodents, rolled a smoke, cracked open my flask & had a brew with the lad & joked about the near miss, will go back again & finish the job in 5 weeks when the Lad is back at school bless him.

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