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Talk Talk

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Anyone thinking of switching to talk talk for internet & calls dont bother there total wankers , paid my phone bill on friday over the phone , the £ 77 went out of my bank account that day & they cut my service this morning ,, phone & broardband


To cut a long story short they said i had to pay £ 107 to get my phone & broard band put back on, i argued that i had paid the £ 77 quid on Friday, there claiming they havent received it , spoke to my bank today & its been banked by talk Talk , so now i have got to get the bank to get the money back which could take weeks , what they had done was included Julys instalment on top of the £ 77 i had already paid making it the £107


I was late paying last months payment as it was double due to my son phoning mobiles off the land line :censored: so he has had a severe arse kicking for his part , so i am looking for a new provider anyone got any reccomendations for good service


Had to have a little hissy fit before i combust :laugh:

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Guest buster321c

Same here Kay , they took over my line , even arranged with BT that they were doing it . I phoned them 3 time and wrote a letter saying i did`t want it done . They still did it , when they decided to listen to me they sent me a bill for their services , told em to f**k OFF , then BT wanted £90 reconnection charge , told them to f**k OFF too , now im with Virgin




PS , aint forgot ya mate , bloody weather , aint been over for seems like ages .

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Reliable ISP's are becoming rare, I'm with Tiscali, but they have just been taken over by Talk Talk, so I may be in the same boat soon, a mates just signed up with BT and got a good package with free calls attached if thats any good :)

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Anyone thinking of switching to talk talk for internet & calls dont bother there total wankers , paid my phone bill on friday over the phone , the £ 77 went out of my bank account that day & they cut my service this morning ,, phone & broardband


To cut a long story short they said i had to pay £ 107 to get my phone & broard band put back on, i argued that i had paid the £ 77 quid on Friday, there claiming they havent received it , spoke to my bank today & its been banked by talk Talk , so now i have got to get the bank to get the money back which could take weeks , what they had done was included Julys instalment on top of the £ 77 i had already paid making it the £107


I was late paying last months payment as it was double due to my son phoning mobiles off the land line :censored: so he has had a severe arse kicking for his part , so i am looking for a new provider anyone got any reccomendations for good service


Had to have a little hissy fit before i combust :laugh:



we had a problem with them a few weeks ago,


one day our broadband just stopped working, it took my dad 4 weeks of phoning every day for them to get there arse into gear and send someone to have a look, then another week before it was fixed, then as soon as we got our broadband back our phone line stopped working :censored::wallbash::censored: then it took them 3 weeks for them to do anything, and we were all calling on our mobiles so we had to keep topping up to call them :censored:


they finally got it fixed, my dad called them for compensation (which they say they give out if they feel the need to from lack of good service) and the compensation they aggreed to pay was less than the ammount our bill was when our phone and broadband wasnt working let along the mobile bills and just general inconvinience. :rtfm::censored::thumbdown: :wankerzo4: :rtfm:

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Same here Kay , they took over my line , even arranged with BT that they were doing it . I phoned them 3 time and wrote a letter saying i did`t want it done . They still did it , when they decided to listen to me they sent me a bill for their services , told em to f**k OFF , then BT wanted £90 reconnection charge , told them to f**k OFF too , now im with Virgin




PS , aint forgot ya mate , bloody weather , aint been over for seems like ages .


The ferrets have grown webbed feet here :laugh:


I know i was late paying the initial payment as i have to fork out £ 500 for a consumer unit i had to have as mine blew up last week :laugh: pluss the lad bumping the usual bill up by double , the cheeky twats said if the payment shows up in the next few days they will use it to take off the August bill :blink: over my dead body they will, there history as soon as i can get a mac code of the pratts

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Reliable ISP's are becoming rare, I'm with Tiscali, but they have just been taken over by Talk Talk, so I may be in the same boat soon, a mates just signed up with BT and got a good package with free calls attached if thats any good :)


Think i will try bt as once i have my line back to them i can pick & choose , i cant now as people like virgin dont want to know unless you have a bt line

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Guest lurchers&terriers

i dont know why you lot dont get mobile broadband. you get a modem for 20 quid plug it in to your pc and away you go. it has a sim card in it so you top it up. I get a months broadband for 15 quid and iv had no problems. these company's like virgin and talk talk are a thing of the past. i couldn't believe how easy it was. faster than what i had before

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£500 for a consumer unit? :o Seems bloody steep to me, just to have one replaced... :yes:


yes & the bloke to fit it, then live tests done to please eon as they nwouldnt put the fuse back without a cert, then when the lad came back from eon on monday he didnt need the cert

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we have our line rental calls and broadband with sky never had a problem.

was with bt but keep getting over charged and spending half an hour on the phone to some bloke in India that couldn't understand every month was pissing me off.

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