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had enough of mean fecking dogs

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Iv had enough of mean dogs allways coming over and starting on my dogs its driving me crazy . My pup is only about 6months old and in about the last week 2 diffrent dogs have come over and starting to attack him . Luckerly he aint been badly hurt yet but i aint gonna wait for it to happen . From now on im gonna start taking a walking stick with me and beat the stupids dogs with that because today when this stupid dog starting attacking mine i went to get it off and shouting at it and it turn and tryed going for me and it wasent no small fecking dog ever it woulder pulled chunks out of me . So i think its a good idear to start taking a stick with me in my eyes and it aint teaching my pup anythink good about other dogs all this stupud dogs coming over and attacking it is gonna probly make my pup mean when its older if it keeps on happerning . Core i feel well stress how fecking hard is it to bring up a nice dog ??????????????????????????

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happend to my papa's dog once, his dog was ageing (about 12 years old) and a big young black lab attacked his dog one day, the fecking thing nearly killed my papa's dog!


so my papa took the approach that you are taking, bringing a walking stick with him each time, this lab came at papa's dog again and he said he skelped it across the head and it ran off,


i think you should give them a 'hard' enough hit to scare them, but dont over do it! - the last thing you will be needing is the RSPCA trying to say that your are making dogs fight by hitting them :o:clapper:



all the best

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any dog in a public park that started on a pup wants its bottom jaw pulled off!

thats my view anyway.



more like the owners bottom jaw pulling of, how hard is it to socialise dogs when they are pups, , not always the dogs fault, i have a staffyxbull and everywere i go i get bad looks, and people walking miles out the way to walk around me and the dog, he is well trained, sits, stay, walks to heal, retrieves, sits when about to cross a road, i can even shout him of chasing cats when they about, he has had gsd, jack russels, my mates pat, and staffy crosses attack him and he wont do f**k all back unless told to, how thick are some people, atb



No just that mate, but why the f**k do they stupid people take a dog they know is agressive to a park full of dogs and let it off lead, so it can go and attack the other dogs????


It makes me furious.

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the police wasent to fare away from me aswell and when i shouted at the dog thay looked i thought oh no i hope my other dog dont end up getting fed up with the dog attacking him and my pup and rip in to it because i probly get the blame just because the breed of my dogs but thank god he dident his such a loving dog ........if you have a mean dog how hard is it to put a fecking muzzel around its mouth :blink: next time it happens and if my dog gets bit or i get bit the owners are gonna get BILLED

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Pair of good solid rig boots mate :thumbs: thats what I do anddoes a darn good job too.

What breed of dogs have you got mate??




aye its amazing how quickly they dont want to play after one of them ;)


oh aye especially the ones with the steel toe and sole absolutly brill lol




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the same happend to me about christmas time, i was coming back down the street where i live after a nice walk with my 4 month old whippet when the c*nt at the top of the road let her 2 dogs out of the front door with no leads on, (japanise akita size mongreals) (mabe to get in the car i dont realy no why) the next thing i knew my whippet was in ones mouth and the other one trying too get to it. So then i proceded to have the FINEST WORKOUT on the two dogs until i was out of breath as they wouldnt stop and the owner would not get in and help me! When they decided that a steel toe-caped boot was not the best thing to have wrapped around their bottom jaw and retreted back to the relative safety of their owner i then had another workout on the BIT*H owner and then i told her the next time this happend she would be needing the aid of a good shoval to dig i nice deep hole in the back garden for both her dogs. I would say a job well done as she now comes out with them on a lead and walkes them elsewere. Blue my whippet only came away with a few scratces and a limp witch lasted for an hour or two.


PS; they also have attacked a friend walking down the pavement.

Cheers 01mt02


i would also like to here your oppinion on my approach.

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the police wasent to fare away from me aswell and when i shouted at the dog thay looked i thought oh no i hope my other dog dont end up getting fed up with the dog attacking him and my pup and rip in to it because i probly get the blame just because the breed of my dogs but thank god he dident his such a loving dog ........if you have a mean dog how hard is it to put a fecking muzzel around its mouth :blink: next time it happens and if my dog gets bit or i get bit the owners are gonna get BILLED



Sorry to butt in. Its not hard at all- I have one such dog always looking for trouble. Her muzzle hangs outside the kennel and goes on the minute she comes to me when we go walking. Problem solved. She started doing it after she was attacked though so can't always blame the owner, but they should know their dog....

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the police wasent to fare away from me aswell and when i shouted at the dog thay looked i thought oh no i hope my other dog dont end up getting fed up with the dog attacking him and my pup and rip in to it because i probly get the blame just because the breed of my dogs but thank god he dident his such a loving dog ........if you have a mean dog how hard is it to put a fecking muzzel around its mouth :blink: next time it happens and if my dog gets bit or i get bit the owners are gonna get BILLED



Sorry to butt in. Its not hard at all- I have one such dog always looking for trouble. Her muzzle hangs outside the kennel and goes on the minute she comes to me when we go walking. Problem solved. She started doing it after she was attacked though so can't always blame the owner, but they should know their dog....


yer thats a good thing you do mate and yer thats what im worried about if my pup keeps geting attacked it might turn it mean hopefully not though ;)

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