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my vegetables

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Guest traceyg

Well never much time on my hands :( But wanting to grow my own veg i thought i would buy a small green house and have a go. I went mad planting Tomatoes ,mushrooms,lettuce,cucumber,carrots Well at first all was going well :clapper: Then :blink: not so well :cry: .After making a great start the cucumber steam got eaten my a slug.The tomatoes went wild but as you can see from the pics somethings not right . The mushrooms never even showed them self's. :( The carrots well i think i need a bigger pot.The lettuce i drowned with not putting holes in the bottom of the tub :( that only leaves the peppers .Well i think i am going to be a pepper planter look at the beauty's :) Well come on give me your views shall i stick to cooking or have another go Or was my daughters idea of letting the snails live in it was the best ?









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Peppers look good Tracey..........the only way to learn is to get out there and do it........it's all a learning curve at the end of the day. Get your hands dirty and just keep trying different things until you get it right..........you have made a good start anyway. I would ditch the snails though Trace.........certainly won't help the lettuces :laugh: :laugh: Great pictures by the way..........glad your getting the hang of your new camera.



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god i was trying hard no to hurt yer feelings but here goes how many carrots are suppose to be in that pot its not going to feed many is it.toms went wild cause you did not nip the side shoots out and as for keeping slugs inside well i need say no more


;) i luv ya really

Edited by scottishlass
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Well never much time on my hands :( But wanting to grow my own veg i thought i would buy a small green house and have a go. I went mad planting Tomatoes ,mushrooms,lettuce,cucumber,carrots Well at first all was going well :clapper: Then :blink: not so well :cry: .After making a great start the cucumber steam got eaten my a slug.The tomatoes went wild but as you can see from the pics somethings not right . The mushrooms never even showed them self's. :( The carrots well i think i need a bigger pot.The lettuce i drowned with not putting holes in the bottom of the tub :( that only leaves the peppers .Well i think i am going to be a pepper planter look at the beauty's :) Well come on give me your views shall i stick to cooking or have another go Or was my daughters idea of letting the snails live in it was the best ?



Go for it!

Nip the toms when 4 bracts high and nip any side shoots.

Use a trough for lettuce instead of pot cause they havnt got a large root system. Just a waste of compost.

Grow peppers etc on your window sill in pots. Been growin chillies there for years.

As for slugs. You are just gonna have to get out at night and hunt the slimy buggers down. Or surround your pots with cinders from a fire.

Main thing is don't get put off. Trail and error.

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My first year this year. Got loads of stuff in a raised bed (mixed results), quite a bit to come over the next few months though so fingers crossed.


Major disaster with tomatoes grown in polytunnel. They thrived through the heat of June and it was a classic case of "pride comes before a fall". This month's rain coupled with my inexperience meant that there was not enough air circulating the plants and it was too humid in there. I have lost the lot (9 plants) to botrytis (grey mould) :(


Gutted, but detremined not to give up. Lots to learn and will try the toms again next year. Mushrooms not shown with me either. I think the initial temp was too low in the shed, I read they need to be around 25 degrees initially?


Don't give up!

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I have hundreds of green cherry tomatoes............where is the sun to ripen them????????????? :(


Chutney again this year perhaps?


try putting a bannana skin in near your tomatoe plants. they willstart to rippen then ;)

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