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rabbit shooting

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all depends on the land mate, i have got some land they are around all day, but other places its strictly early morning and late evening / dusk....failing that, lamping is usually successful as long as they have been over lamped before hand.


try going at different times of day and seeing when they are around, what the best shooting points are etc, sitting still and just watching the area for a while, it makes a lot of difference . :gunsmilie:

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I normally lamp them at night, they re more relaxed and you tend to get higher numbers. Weather has a huge impact as well.

Just remember safety is paramount, as is good communication between lamper/shooter etc..

We have a regime that works for us, which involves calling out your actions at every step of the way.. Telling your partner when you loading, when your unloading, when your shooting and when you need to pick up.

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dry is best really mate with a light wind, keep you face to the wind so it doesn't carry your noise / scent to the little blighters.


I have one piece of ground that if it has been bucketing it down and then sunny straight after, they are out straight away.

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