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anyone had a dog which really bonded with them.and when they go out the dog plays other half up.i went out other day and my dog which is a yr old this december got hold of childs toy.and when kid went to take it off her,she snapped/growled.missus gave it right bollocking but doesnt like dog now.dog lives outdoors,and kid is 18month toddler.next day i was around and dog let 2 of kids brush it.

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there is no f*****g way on earth that i would keep a dog that I THOUGHT might bite my 18 month old baby .... that could cause some seriouse damage ..........

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saw a dog worse than that on one of these dog training programs it basically thinks its next in line when your not there so one of the things they did was have the lass eat in front of it before the dog and then she began feeding the dog so it started to realise she was in control but it basically sounds its got too big for its boots and it needs sorting quick before it hurts some one

Edited by jjbull
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I would NEVER leave any of my dogs alone with my kids and I trust them as much as you can ever trust an animal. Kids move, sound and act different to adults and this can cause problems with pack structure. I seen a few bad bites, had a couple myself and could never forgive myself if my dog bit one of my kids.


Never worth the risk.............

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I would NEVER leave any of my dogs alone with my kids and I trust them as much as you can ever trust an animal. Kids move, sound and act different to adults and this can cause problems with pack structure. I seen a few bad bites, had a couple myself and could never forgive myself if my dog bit one of my kids.


Never worth the risk.............

Wise words there mate

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anyone had a dog which really bonded with them.and when they go out the dog plays other half up.i went out other day and my dog which is a yr old this december got hold of childs toy.and when kid went to take it off her,she snapped/growled.missus gave it right bollocking but doesnt like dog now.dog lives outdoors,and kid is 18month toddler.next day i was around and dog let 2 of kids brush it.


Shoot the c**t and get another.



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I would NEVER leave any of my dogs alone with my kids and I trust them as much as you can ever trust an animal. Kids move, sound and act different to adults and this can cause problems with pack structure. I seen a few bad bites, had a couple myself and could never forgive myself if my dog bit one of my kids.


Never worth the risk.............

i know the kids were playing in garden and missus had to go in kitchen had dog since 6wks old,phoned breeder up and he was going to ring round for home but not contacted me in 3 days.dogs fine round missus & older kids just toddler.i aint gonna shoot dog and i dont want no spotty smackhead teenager having it because it looks like a mongrel pitty if you squint at it quickly.its a good guard and a loyal dog and deserves better. if i had my way i would get a kennel/run system and put finer mesh at bottom so kids cant put fingers through.

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I moved my dogs from the house into kennels a few years before we had kids to ensure no confusion. I didn't want to bring a baby home and then the dogs find themselves outside.

Finding the dog a suitable home could be an option but the dog is a year old, is it the breeders responsibility to rehome the dog? Keeping the dog away from the kids for the next 10/15 yeras will be impossible, at somepoint they will meet and would you risk it? I wouldnt :no: If you do rehome it you should be upfront about the dogs problem. :good:

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cheers simoman,the dogs yr in december.i wouldnt want it to be rehomed with young kids,then something happens its fine with our 5/8 yr olds.i have had to rehome couple of dogs over yrs 1 deerhound x lurcher used to try killing freeroaming sheep,i didnt know they had here when i moved from dorset,and a staffie which had from pup and took dislike to cats and young kids as well.that ended in bad home tried getting it back and no joy found out bloke was smackhead ,he sold it for £20,even though i said any probs bring it back. the guy who brought it looks after it well see it quite regularally.i tried breeder as he might know someone responsible thats into these breeds.he said he knew couple of blokes that would be interested but no joy.

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I'm with socks on this one, i wouldn't tolerate the smallest grumble towards a child regardless if its a toy or bone or any 'prized' possession the dog might think its got, i'll always remove stuff from dogs as they grow up so they know that i'm pack leader, i'll also make my other half do it and she, when i met her weren't into dogs at all, but you never know when she might need to take something off the dogs for there own safety when i aint around, try explaining pack mentality to someone who has never had dogs and was scared of them, it's an absolute must in my eyes, they are dogs and they have to know where they stand........ :good:

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I'm with socks on this one, i wouldn't tolerate the smallest grumble towards a child regardless if its a toy or bone or any 'prized' possession the dog might think its got, i'll always remove stuff from dogs as they grow up so they know that i'm pack leader, i'll also make my other half do it and she, when i met her weren't into dogs at all, but you never know when she might need to take something off the dogs for there own safety when i aint around, try explaining pack mentality to someone who has never had dogs and was scared of them, it's an absolute must in my eyes, they are dogs and they have to know where they stand........ :good:

Can only agree, i have an aeight stone doberman as well as terriers, they have to know they are lowest in pack. no tolerance of anything, i think kids also have to be trained to act right around dogs too though.

A simple one i use is I never hit a dog, ill shake it as a correction so there is no confusion when the kids try to pet it.

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Can only agree, i have an aeight stone doberman as well as terriers, they have to know they are lowest in pack. no tolerance of anything, i think kids also have to be trained to act right around dogs too though.

A simple one i use is I never hit a dog, ill shake it as a correction so there is no confusion when the kids try to pet it.



I agree about a dog knowing its place, don't agree that a dog being physically punished associates it with rough play from kids........

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
i aint gonna shoot dog and i dont want no spotty smackhead teenager having it because it looks like a mongrel pitty if you squint at it quickly.its a good guard and a loyal dog and deserves better.



I'd stand you a pint any day, mate. 'Shoot it and buy another.' :rolleyes: It's because of attitudes like that that there's so many wrecked and f***ed up dogs about. People who know sh*t and learn sh*t and keep on repeating that sh*t. But I believe you'd be ready to make some effort on behalf of your dog. Learn how to teach your dog, as well as the wife and kids.


There are people who know what they're talking about around dogs. People who have to put their money where their mouth is. Professional Dog Trainers ~ and I Don't mean Barbara Woodhouse. But you need some advice on how properly to proceed with your dog. I reckon I know where to get that advice. Expect PM.

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hi hardfeather i know what your saying,the staff was a male and when his head split he devolped a real attitude problem.he tried killing the cats he grew up with which are my wifeys and were here first and started getting nasty around kids .this was when my wifey was 8 months pregnant with the toddler that the new pup has growled at,i let the kids play with the dog when it was a pup i think the dog has got too big for its boots the toddler is only as tall as she is.its just trying to push its luck.but its got to respect my missus as well. as kids.

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