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dog blood lines (bolux)

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im fed up of ppl going on about gettin a dog out of good blood lines yea the parents or grandparents could be good workers but doesnt guantee the pup will. i know ppl who got a list as long as their arm for pups out of their bitch cause shes good un but mainly for the name and they breedin her 2 or 3 times strait after every season it not fair on the dog just cause majority of you want a blood name behind it . any lurcher can par with a good line dog it all depends on how much time you put in with it . yea i know you get the od dog that aint no good but theres more than enough are . even the blood line names started as nothin so wat does that say.


just like your apinion on this

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Guest rodsmith

i sort of agree to.id still only get a pup from out and out working lines/parents but makes no odds on the line.as long as they work,who give a toss what breeding they are from.

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bloodlines - a funny subject :-)


i guess its down to peice of mind , granted , buying a pup is never an easy task , thefore , KNOWING your pup as come fromt honest grafting parents , eases your mind a little bit , there is no certainty the pup will become good , as that bit as down to you as the owner to bring it up correct for the job it will be used for . but it does help if its in the pups * blood* , but on the same thing , breeding from pet homes to become workers is frowned upon , but i have seen some cracking dogs come from that way , just because its not the * norm* doesnt mean it wont work .


take coursing dogs for example , you have your big names , benji,foxy,snowey and so on , but doller to a dime , there is an * unknown* dog out there which is as good or possibly better than these dogs , just then owner asnt had the pleasure of running against or with these known dogs , but the uknown dogs are still getting bred from , and sold to people whom know the parents ect . or however there found new homes . but people like for peice of mind to go with known dogs of known capabiltys .

its how its always been done , and always will be , hence keeping the * line* going .



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does the dog make the man? or does the man make the dog?,i agree you get out what you put in,although im keepin the bloodline of my dogs which has been in family years,but this is because i want to as they were all loved and never forgotten,

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i agree with breeding your own dog blood line, only for the purpose of havin a pup out of it. for the love and work that its done for you over the years and to carry on the breed. Not for the name and just to sell pups to make a couple of quid.

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i agree with breeding your own dog blood line, only for the purpose of havin a pup out of it. for the love and work that its done for you over the years and to carry on the breed. Not for the name and just to sell pups to make a couple of quid.

good man,well said :clapper:

Edited by dvdskv
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Guest jt750

So if you had a choice of buying a pup for £200 from unknown stock and its parents have been bigged up their owners or a pup for £200 with known lines for doing their job and the breeders of this litter are known not to keep sh!te you'd have a hard decision to make

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dogs a like any other livestock you put the best to the best chances are youll end up with a gooden




but theres still no garentee you cant keep a line to close otherwise any genetic faults way back will start to show

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im fed up of ppl going on about gettin a dog out of good blood lines yea the parents or grandparents could be good workers but doesnt guantee the pup will.

There's no guarantees in life but breeding off top blood lines will give you a better chance of getting a top worker than breeding off any old dog.

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dogs a like any other livestock you put the best to the best chances are youll end up with a gooden




but theres still no garentee you cant keep a line to close otherwise any genetic faults way back will start to show

line or inbreeding doesn't mean bad faults will show up, they will only show if they are there, this is where knowing a line comes in handy you will know the good points and bad in the line, most of the top lines are line-bred or inbred.

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here we go again blood lines being knocked,you'r like a lod of old tarts.if you dont want to go down the route of getting a dog from proven blood lines then DONT. ;)


at the end of the day it a personal choice of the people that do like ME i knew what i wanted and i got it.


so because i got two pups from good blood lines dose this mean i can start slating people for buying any pup with unknown blood lines,maybe it dose but im not a bitchy person like some of the :wankerzo4: on here,


P.S sort ya heads out lads it'll be time to work ya dogs soon then most of the bitch's will be out working there unknown lined dogs. haha :D:clapper::clapper::clapper:


atvb chris

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here we go again blood lines being knocked,you'r like a lod of old tarts.if you dont want to go down the route of getting a dog from proven blood lines then DONT. ;)


at the end of the day it a personal choice of the people that do like ME i knew what i wanted and i got it.


so because i got two pups from good blood lines dose this mean i can start slating people for buying any pup with unknown blood lines,maybe it dose but im not a bitchy person like some of the :wankerzo4: on here,


P.S sort ya heads out lads it'll be time to work ya dogs soon then most of the bitch's will be out working there unknown lined dogs. haha :D:clapper::clapper::clapper:


atvb chris

Why whos slated you mate i cant see one post slating anyone yet ?


know one slated me as i said BLOODLINES mate,why knock proven blood lines if it did'nt work then people would'nt buy them,as i said everyones got a choice,pesonaly i think people knock it cos they dont want to pay the money for em.

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