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airpistol information

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hi im barry from merseyside im new to T H L could any one please recomend a good air pistol that i could use for rats i have been told 177 is the best for ratting is that true ? would be grateful for any useful advice thanks barry

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air pistols are generaly to low power for hunting but if you were accurate enough then you could probably kill rats at about a max of 10 yards. you would have to have had a lot of practise until you can consistently hit a pound coin at 10 yards. although to be hinest mate youre better off going for a cheap spring rifle as these are more than powerful enough to take rats. also i have heard thet crossman ratcatchers are good and below £100.

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hi im barry from merseyside im new to T H L could any one please recomend a good air pistol that i could use for rats i have been told 177 is the best for ratting is that true ? would be grateful for any useful advice thanks barry


As you will know all air pistols must run under sub 6ftlbs to meet the Home Office Law, this is not a very Humane power for the dispatch of live prey, you would be better off useing an air rifle such as a carbine (short barrel) that can run at sub 12ftlbs twice the power, if this does not meet your needs & it has to be a pistol do not go for any of the imports as they all run well below sub 6 & more like 4.5ftlbs to protect themselves against are stringent VCR act & claims brought againt them, AIM X made by Brocock will be about the best there is, it's a pcp pistol with scope rail a very nice bolt mechanim & can be silenced, they run at 5.45ftlbs out of the box there made in the UK super accurate with no recoil, but you will need a pump to fill or cylinder.


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hi im barry from merseyside im new to T H L could any one please recomend a good air pistol that i could use for rats i have been told 177 is the best for ratting is that true ? would be grateful for any useful advice thanks barry

Here are some pre VCR act pistols, still to be found as NOS in many RFD's, full power in .177 or .22 both calibres work well at short pistol ranges on Rats, but keep away from BBs they are far from accurate & not Humane.

Top left Aim X, Right Dessert Eagle, Middle Berreta, Bottom Left Benjamin E9a in .20 calibre ideal for Rats.



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I have a benjamin eb22 which is more than capable of taking out rats but very loud. I think it's timelord on here that has one with a silencer which i would expect to be perfect for the job. Mines brilliant with the laser pointer sight i have on it it's just that its like a cannon being fired :D

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If you can handle the recoil ;)


Failing that a rifle :D

It only takes about 4ft/lbs to kill a coney, if you hit it in the nogging!


Ratting, go for a carbine rifle, such as the ratcatcher.



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If you can handle the recoil ;)


Failing that a rifle :D

It only takes about 4ft/lbs to kill a coney, if you hit it in the nogging!


Ratting, go for a carbine rifle, such as the ratcatcher.




best bit is the weight.. if you run out of pellets then climb a tree and drop it on there heads :D;)

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