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Legal lamping with lurcher.

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Out last night with the rifle and lurcher.My son held the dog whilst I lamped with a a scope mounted

lamp kit .A very wary fox has been getting the better of a farmer mate of mine who has pheasant polts out .A trail of dead and eaten polts around the pen caused him to wait up several nights in vain to get this pest.image020aq6.jpg


Me and the lad waited till it was reasonably dark and had a call downwind of the area .Called a bit with no immediate results.Shining the lamp into the cover I could see the eyes of a fox but no more .I called and called but it wouldnt leave cover so a long shot from where we were was the only real answer.The shot echoed around the wood ,dulling any sound of a hit or injury.The lurcher was slipped and off she ran into the trees .Sounds of a weak struggle were heared then the sound of dragging on stubble.The lurcher had the fox much to my relief.The long shot payed off but only with the backup of the lurcher.The pic is off the phone ?

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