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quick question

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I find if you start feeding the kitts meat from three weeks onward building it up as they grow the jill doesn't have to produce so much milk and the kitts are better looking and weaned earlier and therefore theres no so much stress on the jill and she doesn't have a lot of milk to dry up .

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I had 13 kits last year with my smallest jill and i put meat in from 3 weeks not long and i was putting in a full phesant or rabbit and there was not a lot left i also bought a bigger bowl and filled it with dried ferret food i did not wet it or crush it and all mine where fine

I gave them the puppy milk you can buy and there mum and at the end when the kits where ready to leave my jill look very very well no weight loss hair loss or any thing her bilk dried up when the kit no longer needed it

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