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Ferret with no tail

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Guest Countryboyo
Hi all, I have a ferret kit, 1 week old that came out arse end first and got stuck, whilst the mother tried to extract the blockage, she pulled the tail off, she managed to get a better grip around its back legs ang got the kit ouyt, leaving it tail less and red sore skin.


Doers any one have seen this before and does any one work a tail-less ferret?



Pics to follow.


Thanks all


Saw a tailless ferret in a ferreting/lurcher dvd. ferret seemed to be working away fine anyway.

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Hers a ferret a jill with no tail that I have worked for three seasons, and she will be one of our best ferrets and will have bolted more rabbits than any other jill we have




Thanks for all the replies peeps, i look forward to seeing her progress,


many thanks Longdog

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i dont think you should have any problem what so ever with because they dont use thier tails for anything


I don't know about that, i notice that they appear to use them for balance when using the rope ladders in their pen, also there is a bungie platform that they go on and their arse shifts like crazy.


Thank you

i had a full litter born with bob tails never affected them in the slightest,balance etc etc if there born that way they know no differrent

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Blind, Deaf, Club foot, Half tail,Buck toothed are all things some people would hold against a ferret as a worker, also bieng an Albino, Polecat, Silver, Sandy, also sway people's judgements.

I would not be concerned if a ferret had every disfigurement in the book, and was any colour of pelt, as long as it showed the will to do what nature asked it to do, and was not in any pain, it will always have a place in my camp.

Nice to see so many folk value an animal on what could be ability rather than looks. ;):yes:

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LOL mines called stumpy as well a cracking worker but the three of her sisters have normal tails so i think it was where the lid of a hutch was dropped on her tail as if you feel the tail theres a break and a kink just up from the end of it

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  • 5 weeks later...
Hi all, I have a ferret kit, 1 week old that came out arse end first and got stuck, whilst the mother tried to extract the blockage, she pulled the tail off, she managed to get a better grip around its back legs ang got the kit ouyt, leaving it tail less and red sore skin.


Doers any one have seen this before and does any one work a tail-less ferret?



Pics to follow. ive got one tail and foot missing didnt think she would live but let nature take its course and she is 4 years old now and a good climber works well too if i new how to put pics on id put some of her


Thanks all

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I got a hob off this yrs litter, has also got the name stumpy now,(wonder how many stumpy,stubby,stubs,etc are out there?) think mom had a bit of a problem getting him out, im guessing he was the first as she struggled a bit with that 1.dont affect him any more than the others and there about 3mths old now.

But dont think a ferret will have to worry any more than normal with balance down a rabbit hole, maybe with climbing stuff but wont be doing too much of that down there, the odd root maybe but im sure he will be fine.

Dont get rid, adds caracter.


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LOL mines called stumpy as well a cracking worker but the three of her sisters have normal tails so i think it was where the lid of a hutch was dropped on her tail as if you feel the tail theres a break and a kink just up from the end of it

My ones a bit like that,(my ferrets that is) kinda in a 'z', a sure case of "move it or lose it" :blink:

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