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signal crayfish

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HI all,


2hours into a match on wednesday i got plagued by these monsters[crayfish] and it was the same for the rest of the lads,these things are in plague numbers in the westmids now ,canals,lakes,ponds,

once they move over your baited spots thats it the fish move off because of the aggressive nature of them.

any more anglers having trouble round the mids. look at my revenge.


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Guest rodsmith


bloody things are a nationwide pest and each one caught MUST be killed!

all id sugest when they start on yous bait is to fish shallower.try a worm when they appear,ive done it and hooked some monster perch as many fish feed on the crays..

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Thats a nice by-catch for a few hours fishing.


If you like eating them have you considered trapping a few ?

my mate has just bought a trap for them and we were wondering if there is any up here in the north east newcastle area :)

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Thats a nice by-catch for a few hours fishing.


If you like eating them have you considered trapping a few ?

my mate has just bought a trap for them and we were wondering if there is any up here in the north east newcastle area :)


Good luck in your search, if the recent number of Crayfish related threads on here is anything to go by then we must be seeing a real population explosion.


all the best


fin and fur

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HI all,


2hours into a match on wednesday i got plagued by these monsters[crayfish] and it was the same for the rest of the lads,these things are in plague numbers in the westmids now ,canals,lakes,ponds,

once they move over your baited spots thats it the fish move off because of the aggressive nature of them.

any more anglers having trouble round the mids. look at my revenge.


does anyone now if there in the river seven

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I catch mine using an old push bike wheel with a bit of rope tied around the spindle and a hession sack with a bit of fish or kitchen waste

Chuck it in the river and leave for a couple of hours then pull it up and bobs your uncle 6/7 signal crayfish hanging on for dear life


Very tasty ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best to place in them in some freash water for at least 48 hours (tap water) washes all the crap from inside them out and taste much better aswell, just remember though its illegal to trap them without a license, and even more illegal to remove them from a water (pretty sure thats dead or alive aswell) the EA fear that people will either introduce diseases (useing them as bait) or introduce them alive into other waters!


I've found that most of the EA, dont care if there dead and going home for tea. And just remember to double check on what your killing aswell if your unsure, we wouldnt want any other threats to our native Crays :no:


Hi btw new to the Forum :D

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