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worried-need advice

Guest lurchers&terriers

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Guest lurchers&terriers

I don't know how to put this so i hope your patent with me. Sky my lurcher has a wee injury at the mo, nothing serious just a cut on his paw so iv just been taking him to a park over the road so he can empty himself and stretch his legs. He always follows behind me at these places sniffing about etc. Yesterday i looked behind and i seen him with his tail between his legs running for home. I shouted but he didnt listen and continued heading home. He needed to cross a very busy road to get home and i shat myself and give chase screaming like a bitch, some how he made it home. This morning i took him over the road again but to the park next to the other one with a gate and a very high fence. (a great place for training a dog) the same thing happened. his tail between his legs looking to the sky and around him running for home. i shouted and he listened this time. He is 7 now and been with me through a lot of shit including living in a tent where we had to live on what he caught. Hes always been a very confident dog and never been bothered by anything (you could take him to a fireworks display and he wouldn't blink. Hes the best dog iv ever had and iv never had a bond with a dog like this. He used to feed me on hares rabbits and deer and keep me warm in the tent and I'm worried whats up. Anyone know what going on here?

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some times dogs do the strangest things for no apparent reason :( next time you take him to the park keep him on the lead and you know you wont have a problem with him running off and possibly being killed by a car better safe than sorry . when he,s mended take him out for a mooch away from built up places and he most probably will be ok

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Guest lurchers&terriers
  stoney1982 said:
mate i cant believe you put this on 1 of my bitches is playin up just like that shes fcuked off home 3 times in last week while out an someone took her to rspca other day after she bolted home and they picked her up on way so i had to spend half hour proving she was mine but all i can think is its distant thunder cause it does send her nuts and was raining everytime it happened and she is sound when weather is nice!!! hope you get to bottom of it atb


sounds the same mate. hes bandaged up and is on a lead until he hopefully gets over this. im lucky really iv only been taking him local.

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  stoney1982 said:
mate i cant believe you put this on 1 of my bitches is playin up just like that shes fcuked off home 3 times in last week while out an someone took her to rspca other day after she bolted home and they picked her up on way so i had to spend half hour proving she was mine but all i can think is its distant thunder cause it does send her nuts and was raining everytime it happened and she is sound when weather is nice!!! hope you get to bottom of it atb

i had the same prroblem with my lurcher everytime it thunderd she went mad now everytime it thunders i take me dog out four a walk now [bANNED TEXT] i take her lamping shes fine

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Guest lurchers&terriers

just back in with him there and the same happened but he was on the lead this time. he kept looking to the sky and at birds flying about. he got very panicky and wanted home. hes always been such a bold dog never bothered by anything. even lying there now hes looking to the curtains nervously because the fan is moving them.

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Guest lurchers&terriers
  AL BUNDY said:
mabye he was stung the first time and is on edge now


he has been stung a few times the last few weeks.



  j5ohne said:


no mate none

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Guest lurchers&terriers
  kent scotty said:
could be distant thunder? or he may be smelling for other dogs,they do funny things when they are injured and know they wont be fit enough to tackle any "intruders" he may just be keeping out of the way untill he's better?





i hope its something like that and not a brain tumor

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Use lunge line or even the rope style washing line with him. Try keep him in front & see where it is he's freaking out. Take some treat he dont normally have- cheese anything & see if he'll keep going if you are closre & got his attention.


My friends have a rescue terrier & it absolutely freaks when sky goes dark before it rains, thunder firesworks- anything like that & she goes to pieces. She dont even like walking through woods where trees close together & it gets shady.


Could be it thundered before when he walked past & now hes associating it with that

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