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Lab pulling on lead

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I have a lab bitch about 1 and half and she pulls on the lead all the time she's pulled so hard she's snapped 1 of here collars. Iv tried choke chains and slip leads just wondering if anyone knows a way to stop it


and anther thing when she's off the lead she's fine I can call her back and comes straight to me but if she sees some 1 she will just totally ignore me and run for them and sometimes knock them over. Any whey to stop this happening?

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right this works with my spaniel.. when you go out walking the dog take a stick..

Put the lead around your back and have the dog to the left hand side of you so the lead is around the back of your knees and your holding it with your right hand..

this will automatically slow the dog down and also when it pulls just jerk your left knee and that also helps not to much because you could hurt the dog..

with the stick place it across the dogs chest to show for it to stop..

i saw it on tv and it works for my dog..

hope it works for yours aswelll

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  jazz_11 said:
right this works with my spaniel.. when you go out walking the dog take a stick..

Put the lead around your back and have the dog to the left hand side of you so the lead is around the back of your knees and your holding it with your right hand..

this will automatically slow the dog down and also when it pulls just jerk your left knee and that also helps not to much because you could hurt the dog..

with the stick place it across the dogs chest to show for it to stop..

i saw it on tv and it works for my dog..

hope it works for yours aswelll


completely disagree, why would you do anythig where there is a chance to hurt the dog,ther is much simpler techniques,


personally I would use a slip lead, ensure it is on the correct way, raise the lead right up to behind the dogs ears, and walk with the dog on my left hand side, walk round in small circles or a figure of eight in a wide open space, praise the dog when walking correctly, should soon cotton on and then gradually make the excercise more difficult.


with the running away, you should really enforce the recall, you need to be of greater importance and more exciting then the other person the dogs is interested in, when the dog is running off, I would run in the opposite direction and call the dogs name, this will soon tur into a game for the dog and reinforce the recall.


hope this has been some help.

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I would use a check chain / choker chain. When walking and dog pulls, check the dog back to your side and in your normal tone of voice say Heel, continue this until the dog gets the idea. I wouldnt use a collar as it doesnt do nowt for them as in restraining. When checking back make sure you yank it harply, but not so that you rip the dogs neck off, use your own judgement.


When your dog gets the idea of heel, you can then change to slip lead.


Thats what i do.



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  pencoed hunter said:
I have a lab bitch about 1 and half and she pulls on the lead all the time she's pulled so hard she's snapped 1 of here collars. Iv tried choke chains and slip leads just wondering if anyone knows a way to stop it


and anther thing when she's off the lead she's fine I can call her back and comes straight to me but if she sees some 1 she will just totally ignore me and run for them and sometimes knock them over. Any whey to stop this happening?

a friend of mine swears by an electronic collar,he trains, breeds,and works spaniels he has four bitches,i havnt seen the collar myself but he tells me it has setting on it and gives the dog a shock on the collar when it pulls, if used correctly its got to be better than yanking it back on a choker,or controling with a stick, i will add he brings all dogs out together and you will never see happier dogs they iderlise him and visa versa,

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  rickyspringer said:
  jazz_11 said:
right this works with my spaniel.. when you go out walking the dog take a stick..

Put the lead around your back and have the dog to the left hand side of you so the lead is around the back of your knees and your holding it with your right hand..

this will automatically slow the dog down and also when it pulls just jerk your left knee and that also helps not to much because you could hurt the dog..

with the stick place it across the dogs chest to show for it to stop..

i saw it on tv and it works for my dog..

hope it works for yours aswelll


completely disagree, why would you do anythig where there is a chance to hurt the dog,ther is much simpler techniques,


personally I would use a slip lead, ensure it is on the correct way, raise the lead right up to behind the dogs ears, and walk with the dog on my left hand side, walk round in small circles or a figure of eight in a wide open space, praise the dog when walking correctly, should soon cotton on and then gradually make the excercise more difficult.


with the running away, you should really enforce the recall, you need to be of greater importance and more exciting then the other person the dogs is interested in, when the dog is running off, I would run in the opposite direction and call the dogs name, this will soon tur into a game for the dog and reinforce the recall.


hope this has been some help.



Sounds good ill give It a try. With the running away iv tried running the other way and throwing the ball so she goes for that instead but nothing ill keep trying thought there's a small empty field by me so ill start training her in there.


I took her up the common the other day and she went straight for a sheep and couldn't call her back lol but I gave her a good smack

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  jamiew said:
  pencoed hunter said:
I have a lab bitch about 1 and half and she pulls on the lead all the time she's pulled so hard she's snapped 1 of here collars. Iv tried choke chains and slip leads just wondering if anyone knows a way to stop it


and anther thing when she's off the lead she's fine I can call her back and comes straight to me but if she sees some 1 she will just totally ignore me and run for them and sometimes knock them over. Any whey to stop this happening?

a friend of mine swears by an electronic collar,he trains, breeds,and works spaniels he has four bitches,i havnt seen the collar myself but he tells me it has setting on it and gives the dog a shock on the collar when it pulls, if used correctly its got to be better than yanking it back on a choker,or controling with a stick, i will add he brings all dogs out together and you will never see happier dogs they iderlise him and visa versa,


Ye I heard of the electric collars suppose to work pretty well but expensive and don't have the money yet but ill give the other technique a try first.

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  pencoed hunter said:
I have a lab bitch about 1 and half and she pulls on the lead all the time she's pulled so hard she's snapped 1 of here collars. Iv tried choke chains and slip leads just wondering if anyone knows a way to stop it


and anther thing when she's off the lead she's fine I can call her back and comes straight to me but if she sees some 1 she will just totally ignore me and run for them and sometimes knock them over. Any whey to stop this happening?




forget about electric collar go back 2 basic training get her sitting staying give her retrieve with plenty of recal whistling and praise. for couple off months about 15 min a day dont rush her traing or u wont change anything when she doing it 100% she will return every time. as for lead every time she pulls turn in a different direction she trying 2 tell you where 2 go if she pulls left u go right she;ll soon start following in a raised voice enforce the heel command every time u turn use any lead u want dosent matter key thing is dont rush her

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Im no expert but this worked for me:


1. Put your dog on a rope slip lead


2. Sit the dog at your side and start to walk forwards


3. Each time he rushes ahead of you, make an 'about turn' and start walking in the opposite direction


4. Keep persistently turning 180 degrees every time the dog moves ahead, this may be extremely frequent to begin with


Soon the dog will simply give up becasue they dont like this game and would prefer to keep going forwards than switching direction every couple of seconds. As soon as you see the dog is complying add the word 'heel' after the turn and as the dog draws along side you.


I would also work on the recall in an environment which is he used to you with, were there are no distractions i.e. in the garden or house. Get the recall solid in this close envisonrment before gradually moving out into the open, especially were there are other animals.


There is no need at this age to be too hard on your dog - you need to create a trusting bond between the two of you first.


Hope this helps.

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Ok thanks guys there's allot of comments here and they all sound useful so going to wait till my new slip lead comes should be tomorrow and going to give these a go and practice with here for a few weeks.


Took here out today up the woods with a ferret no nets just bolt em get em ready for the season and here marking is 100% now and off the lead she sniffed out 5 sets which me or my friend couldn't see. Only bad thing was she cat jump over the barbedwire fence and I got to chuck her over lol.

She will jump up onto a 3-4ft wall but not gates or barbedwire coz the drop on the other side so going to have to work on that to.


One more thing my lab has 5 champions on here family thing and her mother and that and my mum is going to breed her and wants me and my dad to keep 1 back to train for a gun dog and sell on what would people rather as a gun dog retriever a dog or bitch?

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  pencoed hunter said:
Ok thanks guys there's allot of comments here and they all sound useful so going to wait till my new slip lead comes should be tomorrow and going to give these a go and practice with here for a few weeks.


Took here out today up the woods with a ferret no nets just bolt em get em ready for the season and here marking is 100% now and off the lead she sniffed out 5 sets which me or my friend couldn't see. Only bad thing was she cat jump over the barbedwire fence and I got to chuck her over lol.

She will jump up onto a 3-4ft wall but not gates or barbedwire coz the drop on the other side so going to have to work on that to.


One more thing my lab has 5 champions on here family thing and her mother and that and my mum is going to breed her and wants me and my dad to keep 1 back to train for a gun dog and sell on what would people rather as a gun dog retriever a dog or bitch?



a bitch she will be easier worked wiyh if its ur first 2 train as gundog. As for jumping try ur coat over fence or put ur arm across and learn her to jump over that it will save ur dog in long run

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One more thing my lab has 5 champions on here family thing and her mother and that and my mum is going to breed her and wants me and my dad to keep 1 back to train for a gun dog and sell on what would people rather as a gun dog retriever a dog or bitch?


5 Field champ's in her pedigree is not a good reason to breed.


If you cant get the dog to stop pulling on the lead, how are you going to fare training a pup up to trial standard's to sell on? :no:

Edited by lewismac1
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  lewismac1 said:
One more thing my lab has 5 champions on here family thing and her mother and that and my mum is going to breed her and wants me and my dad to keep 1 back to train for a gun dog and sell on what would people rather as a gun dog retriever a dog or bitch?


5 Field champ's in her pedigree is not a good reason to breed.


If you cant get the dog to stop pulling on the lead, how are you going to fare training a pup up to trial standard's to sell on? :no:



My dad giving me a hand and my uncle and he knows everything there is to know about hunting and training he,s been doing it since he was 5 and he's 44 I think now.

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