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trying to get a ferret... any help please?

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Guest Countryboyo
mum/ stepdad...


Lad I dont think you should get a ferret unless you can take full responsibility for it. If your mam and step dad have to mind your ferrets then your not ready for them yet. Give it time. When you are a big boy you will be better equiped to have ferrets. ;) good lad

this from someone who was asking what to feed ferrets :icon_redface:


:stupid: What was best to feed ferrets is what I ment as they were bloated and had swollen anus . I was giving them ferret kibble. I did everything I could to take care of them and I spent 70 quid on them at the vets to try get them right but they died probably because they were kept in shit conditions before i got them. The point I was making is if he couldnt look after them himself and had to get his parents to then he should wait a while. I did look after the ferrets that unfortunately died. and I am currently looking after my new healthy ferrets so basically what I have to say to your silly billy reply is :feck:

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Do lots of research, ferrets dont smell if they are neutered/cleaned out regular,



well, can see you hav'ent


I personally dont think they smell any worse than cat/dog. Wet dog smells worst than ferrets IMO. Especially when ferrets have been

neutered, my ferrets trays are emptied a couple of times a day and they do have a slight smell like any animal does.

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Do lots of research, ferrets dont smell if they are neutered/cleaned out regular,



well, can see you hav'ent


I personally dont think they smell any worse than cat/dog. Wet dog smells worst than ferrets IMO. Especially when ferrets have been

neutered, my ferrets trays are emptied a couple of times a day and they do have a slight smell like any animal does.



so, your admitting "they do smell", not trying to be nit picky, but its no good telling a newbie, they dont smell if neutered, only removing the scent glands would do that, thankfully not done here, more an american barbaric operation for the pet market, ferrets smell of ferret, most keepers get so imune to it, they dont smell it :D

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your going to keep them at ur mams? whos gunna look afta dem every day and feed them and water them and clean them? think ya should do some research on them and get your self sorted out before ya put the animals under the stress of shit living conditions....and for the rubbish of cleanin the ferrets ONCE a week?? like wtf is that about once a week ffs i clean mine twice a day near enuff and if not its def once a day every day!! once a week that made me laugh like ffs what are ya thinkin by telin someone once a week is enuff...as for the smell il not lie mine do smell but its not bad really like but id say if i left them for a week without being cleaned my fukin next door neighbour would smell them never mind me lol....maybe the dude doesnt feed his that its ok to clean them once a week cuz der snuffin ta clean lmao wat a twat!! :feck:

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