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Why our boys are dying

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i was in paras 15 years, did 5 ireland tours ,iraq,balkins (dont want to come across blowing my own trumpet here) work in iraq doing privite secruity now.... i think were getting hammered in afgan because we havent got enough choppers full stop....if you dont drive along roads you cant get blown up....same as what we did (british army) in south armargh you dont use vechicles full stop, ....as any one knows we are a army of lions with f*****g clowns in charge.(goverment)!!!!!!
agree with that statment. my son is out there at the moment he has said more or less the same. fxucking idiots in charge not listening to the troops on the ground,
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What a load of shit. :yes: If we were to pull out now, it would be an insult to the memory of all the troops lost over there, they would have died in vain. We have to stay there until the job's done, irrespective of the rights & wrongs.


On another note, and easier to say when I'm sat at home, we're at war, young soldiers loose their lives in battle. I've got family members and good friends serving in the army, and they know the risks. Goodness knows what the reaction would be if today's mass media where around in WW2, where losses were in the thousands on an almost daily basis..



We have to stay there now because we've pissed all the muslims off, and if we are not over there killing them, they'll be over here killing us.


Why we can't just mind our own f*****g bussiness and stay out of wars that don't have anything to do with us, i'll never know.

We've pissed them off? :o I don't know about you mate, but people who where trained over there and blew themselves up in London, and those that flew planes into the twin towers, and had the full blessing & support of the very people we're fighting over there, done a pretty good job of pissing me off too... :angry:


Funny how you never seem to get soldiers come on here and piss and moan about it! :)


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London bombings happend after we invaded Iraq and Afganastan.


The US was already bombing iraq in small numbers before 9/11.(also 9/11 has absolutley nothing to do with us, it's the US, we didn't need to get involved)


If someone started blowing up my country and family, I would want revenge too...


Saying this...it's far to late to back out now, we need to wipe them all off the earth now we've stirred the hornets nest.





What a load of shit. :yes: If we were to pull out now, it would be an insult to the memory of all the troops lost over there, they would have died in vain. We have to stay there until the job's done, irrespective of the rights & wrongs.


On another note, and easier to say when I'm sat at home, we're at war, young soldiers loose their lives in battle. I've got family members and good friends serving in the army, and they know the risks. Goodness knows what the reaction would be if today's mass media where around in WW2, where losses were in the thousands on an almost daily basis..



We have to stay there now because we've pissed all the muslims off, and if we are not over there killing them, they'll be over here killing us.


Why we can't just mind our own f*****g bussiness and stay out of wars that don't have anything to do with us, i'll never know.

We've pissed them off? :o I don't know about you mate, but people who where trained over there and blew themselves up in London, and those that flew planes into the twin towers, and had the full blessing & support of the very people we're fighting over there, done a pretty good job of pissing me off too... :angry:


Funny how you never seem to get soldiers come on here and piss and moan about it! :)


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Funny how you never seem to get soldiers come on here and piss and moan about it! :)
no because a soldier likes going to places like iraq ,afgan its what we trained for ....but we all think the goverment is wank when 2 para went to afagn the last time they lost 13 blokes (dont know if it was 13 or 15 as i was in iraq) but 10% of the batt lost a limb thats 60 blokes..do you know the goverment /army head shed spread them out in diff hospiltals around uk in case press got hold and it hit papers.
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Oil and religion ;) , I know there is none there, but I belive it has pipe lines and the whole muslim thing is about oil and religion, Oil, they have it by the bucket load, we want it, but don't want to pay the 'real value of it to them' , they hate us, because we follow America. IMHO we need to get out, we have enough problems of our own, without chasing ghosts like Al Quieda, its hard to beat people with nothing to lose ( and everything to gain) especially with two hands tied behind our backs! in short we are 'to human and civil' to win this war.


Let the dust settle and they will sell us the oil at the going rate, use the monies raised to imitate the 'western world' they will soon kiss goodbye to the Koran once money corrupts them and conssummerism takes hold. Other wise develop alternatives to the use of oil, then they can keep it and it will have no value.


I feel for the lads who are stuck out there and do such a fine job, the goverment put them there and don't have the decency to equip them properly, that really is shameful and proves we cannot afford this war, to put it simply the discount oil is no longer worth the cost of human life, they will only get better at fighting the longer the conflict goes on, leave america on it's own if they choose to stay, see how long they last!


But remember next election this war is nu labours legacy.


atb Richard


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Funny how you never seem to get soldiers come on here and piss and moan about it! :)
no because a soldier likes going to places like iraq ,afgan its what we trained for ....but we all think the goverment is wank when 2 para went to afagn the last time they lost 13 blokes (dont know if it was 13 or 15 as i was in iraq) but 10% of the batt lost a limb thats 60 blokes..do you know the goverment /army head shed spread them out in diff hospiltals around uk in case press got hold and it hit papers.


I know full well what they lost as I followed it closely, a very dear friend of mine was attached to them as a combat engineer.........had my heart in my mouth everytime a report of a casulaty came through on the news.

The goverment is a pile of wank for sure, it was ever thus ;)


No army in the world has enough equipment, manpower, resources etc (if you ask anyone in it!).......but, even so the lads crack on.


My pal belived in what he was doing, still does and a bunch on tabloid readers comming on here and telling it "like it is" :blink: is bollocks.


Deerman, you have the right to speake as you have earned it, only lads that have been there and done it have that right.



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One thing I found is that there are VERY VERY FEW polititions who have got ANY service time.


Those who have are mainly ex officers who without the NCO's in the world wouldn't recognise an IED from a cup of tea even if it was served up in two bits of bread.


Gordon Brown, his military advisers, and MOD procurement need to be put in a snatch, use the same pi%s poor equipment, the cr%ppy SA80, lousy radios, and made to go out on patrol without the couple of hundred security staff that normally accompany them!


Check history and you'll see that NO ONE has ever conquered Afganistan. Bigger idiots than us have tried (ie The russians) and they later described it as their very own Vietnam!


Being ex-forces I'd never dream of disrespecting our forces or our fallen but for Christ sake, pull our lads out and let the U.S. carry on playing at it's own Vietnam 2 (The return).


It's not our war!!!! Stop wasting our servicemen to simply appease the bloody americans.

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Funny how you never seem to get soldiers come on here and piss and moan about it! :)
no because a soldier likes going to places like iraq ,afgan its what we trained for ....but we all think the goverment is wank when 2 para went to afagn the last time they lost 13 blokes (dont know if it was 13 or 15 as i was in iraq) but 10% of the batt lost a limb thats 60 blokes..do you know the goverment /army head shed spread them out in diff hospiltals around uk in case press got hold and it hit papers.


I know full well what they lost as I followed it closely, a very dear friend of mine was attached to them as a combat engineer.........had my heart in my mouth everytime a report of a casulaty came through on the news.

The goverment is a pile of wank for sure, it was ever thus ;)


No army in the world has enough equipment, manpower, resources etc (if you ask anyone in it!).......but, even so the lads crack on.


My pal belived in what he was doing, still does and a bunch on tabloid readers comming on here and telling it "like it is" :blink: is bollocks.


Deerman, you have the right to speake as you have earned it, only lads that have been there and done it have that right.



Thanks Wilf your straight il give you that mate......like it or not we are there and are going to stay there.......if we are losing boys every day to mostly IEDs (bombs) on roads surely change tactics ....dont use roads ,use choppers....but then comes the kit thing we havent enough choppers, then it comes back to the goverment for the last 20 years the way we fight wars has shifted from tabb (march) every where (falklands) to first gulf war where we started to use choppers ,,,so saying we havent enough choppers or it takes 4 years to train pilots when we had over 20 years seeing what direction we needed our armed forces to go into battle to be at its best is a bit weak which the boys on ground are paying for now ....but we can say this and that but we arent going to change nothing lets just forget it and support the boys !!
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Anyone wonder why our troops are suddenly getting hammered? Well i'll tell you. The American public are pissed because of the amount of their guys coming home in a body bag. So Gordon sacrifices our soldiers to appease the Americans. He sends our troops in without proper support and the body count mounts.


The British army have fought terrorist for the last 60 years. Here in Ireland the Brits cut their teeth. The I.R.A. respect the British. Now the Brit government are nothing but traitors. It's about time you, the british, stand up and be counted. Take back your honorable nation. As the Japanese call us 'The country of Heroes'.


Stand up and be counted!


This is OUR country.

The politicians work for us!

Take to the streets!


Get mad!

Get even!

Get our Green and pleasent land!




Or we could just do what your doing...sit behind a keyboard and moan a lot but do nothing :angry:

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At the end of the day, Blokes are coming on here spouting nonsense about stuff they know nothing about.

I dont care if you stormed argie machine gun nests at Wireless ridge, Afghanistan is unlike any war ever fought.Period.

It isnt a stand up and shoot scenario, Or the running battles you assume it is on the news..

It is a constant threat to your safety, The heat saps your strength, The dust hurts your breath,Even the ground makes you uncomfortable.

The country is basically medieval, It is run something along the lines of local fuedal systems where the richer farmers own the poor..They do as they say.

These people arent evil, They just want a quiet lfe, so they do what is neccessary to get buy..If you grown opium for say $100 a kilo or wheat for $5o a kilo, what you you grow with an extended family to feed??? its a no brainerIMHO

As for the comment re Americans friendly fire..Get back to reading your sun paper mate, The yanks are top genuine blokes to a tee, Their positive attitude kind of makes you embarrassed about our country at times

And the equipment issued, The training given and the leadership qualities shown are second to none..

What has happened lately has been tragic, But you must be pragmatic on the bigger scale of things. Soldiers die. But everyone will be remembered

Green On......................GO



My pals reply to a thread a couple of weeks ago.......not long home.

Think that says it all ;)

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At the end of the day, Blokes are coming on here spouting nonsense about stuff they know nothing about.

I dont care if you stormed argie machine gun nests at Wireless ridge, Afghanistan is unlike any war ever fought.Period.

It isnt a stand up and shoot scenario, Or the running battles you assume it is on the news..

It is a constant threat to your safety, The heat saps your strength, The dust hurts your breath,Even the ground makes you uncomfortable.

The country is basically medieval, It is run something along the lines of local fuedal systems where the richer farmers own the poor..They do as they say.

These people arent evil, They just want a quiet lfe, so they do what is neccessary to get buy..If you grown opium for say $100 a kilo or wheat for $5o a kilo, what you you grow with an extended family to feed??? its a no brainerIMHO

As for the comment re Americans friendly fire..Get back to reading your sun paper mate, The yanks are top genuine blokes to a tee, Their positive attitude kind of makes you embarrassed about our country at times

And the equipment issued, The training given and the leadership qualities shown are second to none..

What has happened lately has been tragic, But you must be pragmatic on the bigger scale of things. Soldiers die. But everyone will be remembered

Green On......................GO




:clapper: couldn't agree more



My pals reply to a thread a couple of weeks ago.......not long home.

Think that says it all ;)

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My old fella was a para,and as he used to say to folk,'if you wern't there when the shit was flying dont make judgements'. If you've never looked down the barrel of your weapon and had to make a split second decision as to whether the bloke approaching you is friendly or enemey,dont make judgements. We fought for ourselves and our mates,for pride and integrity of our regiment,we believed in what we were doing and we gave our all,some paid the ultimate price'.

He was a skinny bloke my old fella,didnt look much,not one of these big macho fuckers. But he wiped the floor with a few who knocked what he stood for and believed in. He would say 'if you didnt do that stuff dont comment on it'. ' you dont understand it and you never will'

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