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Why our boys are dying

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Anyone wonder why our troops are suddenly getting hammered? Well i'll tell you. The American public are pissed because of the amount of their guys coming home in a body bag. So Gordon sacrifices our soldiers to appease the Americans. He sends our troops in without proper support and the body count mounts.


The British army have fought terrorist for the last 60 years. Here in Ireland the Brits cut their teeth. The I.R.A. respect the British. Now the Brit government are nothing but traitors. It's about time you, the british, stand up and be counted. Take back your honorable nation. As the Japanese call us 'The country of Heroes'.


Stand up and be counted!


This is OUR country.

The politicians work for us!

Take to the streets!


Get mad!

Get even!

Get our Green and pleasent land!


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Blame the smack heads, the opium harvest is in, same every year, now the rag heads can afford more bullets and explosives, and you can bet our devious goverments making money some were, oil and minerals maybe.

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Anyone wonder why our troops are suddenly getting hammered? Well i'll tell you. The American public are pissed because of the amount of their guys coming home in a body bag. So Gordon sacrifices our soldiers to appease the Americans. He sends our troops in without proper support and the body count mounts.


The British army have fought terrorist for the last 60 years. Here in Ireland the Brits cut their teeth. The I.R.A. respect the British. Now the Brit government are nothing but traitors. It's about time you, the british, stand up and be counted. Take back your honorable nation. As the Japanese call us 'The country of Heroes'.


Stand up and be counted!


This is OUR country.

The politicians work for us!

Take to the streets!


Get mad!

Get even!

Get our Green and pleasent land!




It,s Fools like you that get my blood boiling with stupid remarks about ireland 60 years read your history you bampot.and by the way i had three brouthers in the british army

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Russia went in years ago, and could not deal them. :( So what chance have little country like [England] got .???? no feckin chance. You may as well forget the USA, as we have Better Troops. ;)

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i was in paras 15 years, did 5 ireland tours ,iraq,balkins (dont want to come across blowing my own trumpet here) work in iraq doing privite secruity now.... i think were getting hammered in afgan because we havent got enough choppers full stop....if you dont drive along roads you cant get blown up....same as what we did (british army) in south armargh you dont use vechicles full stop, ....as any one knows we are a army of lions with f*****g clowns in charge.(goverment)!!!!!!

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What a load of shit. :yes: If we were to pull out now, it would be an insult to the memory of all the troops lost over there, they would have died in vain. We have to stay there until the job's done, irrespective of the rights & wrongs.


On another note, and easier to say when I'm sat at home, we're at war, young soldiers loose their lives in battle. I've got family members and good friends serving in the army, and they know the risks. Goodness knows what the reaction would be if today's mass media where around in WW2, where losses were in the thousands on an almost daily basis..

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What a load of shit. :yes: If we were to pull out now, it would be an insult to the memory of all the troops lost over there, they would have died in vain. We have to stay there until the job's done, irrespective of the rights & wrongs.


On another note, and easier to say when I'm sat at home, we're at war, young soldiers loose their lives in battle. I've got family members and good friends serving in the army, and they know the risks. Goodness knows what the reaction would be if today's mass media where around in WW2, where losses were in the thousands on an almost daily basis..

you saying what i said is a load of shit?
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What a load of shit. :yes: If we were to pull out now, it would be an insult to the memory of all the troops lost over there, they would have died in vain. We have to stay there until the job's done, irrespective of the rights & wrongs.


On another note, and easier to say when I'm sat at home, we're at war, young soldiers loose their lives in battle. I've got family members and good friends serving in the army, and they know the risks. Goodness knows what the reaction would be if today's mass media where around in WW2, where losses were in the thousands on an almost daily basis..

you saying what i said is a load of shit?

No mate, the topic starter. :thumbs: ..and I agree 100% with you about the helicopters. :thumbs:

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What a load of shit. :yes: If we were to pull out now, it would be an insult to the memory of all the troops lost over there, they would have died in vain. We have to stay there until the job's done, irrespective of the rights & wrongs.


On another note, and easier to say when I'm sat at home, we're at war, young soldiers loose their lives in battle. I've got family members and good friends serving in the army, and they know the risks. Goodness knows what the reaction would be if today's mass media where around in WW2, where losses were in the thousands on an almost daily basis..

you saying what i said is a load of shit?

No mate, the topic starter. :thumbs: ..and I agree 100% with you about the helicopters. :thumbs:

no probs mate
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What a load of shit. :yes: If we were to pull out now, it would be an insult to the memory of all the troops lost over there, they would have died in vain. We have to stay there until the job's done, irrespective of the rights & wrongs.


I understand that sentiment Maltenby, BUT is it worth sacrificing more troops just to uphold a memory of others who have died? We have been in Afghanistan (on and off) for longer than it took to win the 2nd world war, we could be there for many more years to come. Just how many more of our troops have to die for a piece of shit ground with shit people living on it and for what purpose? If it is in the name of fighting terrorism, they would do a lot better to look at home. A country does not breed terrorism, it is just a piece of land, and Afghansistan has f**k all worth fighting and dying for.

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What a load of shit. :yes: If we were to pull out now, it would be an insult to the memory of all the troops lost over there, they would have died in vain. We have to stay there until the job's done, irrespective of the rights & wrongs.


On another note, and easier to say when I'm sat at home, we're at war, young soldiers loose their lives in battle. I've got family members and good friends serving in the army, and they know the risks. Goodness knows what the reaction would be if today's mass media where around in WW2, where losses were in the thousands on an almost daily basis..



We have to stay there now because we've pissed all the muslims off, and if we are not over there killing them, they'll be over here killing us.


Why we can't just mind our own f*****g bussiness and stay out of wars that don't have anything to do with us, i'll never know.

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we are involved in a conflict one that has a long wayto go, are milatry are more than capable

the problems lie with lack of investment the armed forces are are bankcrupt ,

there buget has been cut year after year , are kit is up to standed but we do not have

enough , the knick name for are troops is the borrowers, this goverment has blood on

its hands, but dont just think its are lads dying the canadians are loosing personal at

an alarming rate too , in times like these the lads need to know joe public supports them'

even if the conflict is wrong, SUPPORT ARE TROOPS :notworthy:

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