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Chap, I can but assume you have a vested interest in Edgar Bros or Hatsan or both, don't talk bull about carts or dirt in the barrel, the gun is a heap of junk.

nope bit far for me to travel ;)

i had one and it was fine ,my friend has one and his is fine and are not junk.you had a nasty experience that is understandable but there are hundreds of people happy with there's.

flaming them doesn't really help anyone

Edited by leadpig
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Chap, I can but assume you have a vested interest in Edgar Bros or Hatsan or both, don't talk bull about carts or dirt in the barrel, the gun is a heap of junk.

nope bit far for me to travel ;)

i had one and it was fine ,my friend has one and his is fine and are not junk.you had a nasty experience that is understandable but there are hundreds of people happy with there's.

flaming them doesn't really help anyone

Actually it does. I agree you shouldn't continue once you've said your piece, but nobody's done that. I for one like to hear comments on firearms that aren't "it's wonderful because ..."


Almost every professional review now is as positive as can be and you have to read between the lines to know when something's crap. Ultimately bad experiences and the publicity thereof are vitally important - without that, the Hatsan looks OK. With that, you take a second thought.


I like a no BS assessment - so I am in favour of people coming out and saying it's great and really justifying it, or it's crap and really justifying it.

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got one of these not the best quality i must say but it shoots and kills the pigeons the only problem i have is it regulary jams up when recycling the next cartridge



Try try long cartridges 70mm, the magazine spring is too strong for 65mm or less...yet another wonderful design feature :hmm:

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ive had mine a week now, and to be honest i have had no problems yet, i have used a lot of different cartridges through it, the biggest being 3 inch magnums, .4, 50g.


one thing i have noticed is the barrel does seem slighty loose, but have not had one jam and has cycled perfect so far, but i have had one miss fire(so far).


thanks for the comments guys, it is good to know everyones opinions, but for now i am quite happy with the gun, had a hell of a lot of rabbits with it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

ive been looking at the hatsan escort also, ive rung about 4 differnt gun shops asking their opinions and i basicaly get the same answer from them, that there was a few quality issues with them when they came out which were quickly ironed out and now for the price they are a pretty good gun.

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"Almost every professional review now is as positive as can be and you have to read between the lines to know when something's crap. Ultimately bad experiences and the publicity thereof are vitally important - without that, the Hatsan looks OK. With that, you take a second thought."


I have an acquaintance who occasionally does these tests for a well-known gun mag, the tests are positive because the tester is usually given the test gun to keep. Who wouldn't give a positive test report?


Re the Hatsan guns, I know several people who have bought them, some are happy with them, others are just the opposite, it does seem to be 50/50 as to whether you get a good one. I have yet to hear of one blowing up however, and one was sent back to Edgar Brothers for a replacement, to do with jamming I believe, annoying but not dangerous.

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