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was i right or wrong

Guest lurchers&terriers

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Guest lurchers&terriers

my online haters wont beleave this but in the real wold im quite a helpful kind of guy, i help old ladies across the road and the other day a old lady broke down on her wee mobility scooter thingy. people were just walking past her as she was sobbing her heart out. i calmed her down and pushed her and her scooter to her sons house. it wasn't easy believe me but i didn't think twice because its the way my amazing mother brought me up. i was just out with the dogs there and i spotted a boy walking towards me. he was shaking and covered in mud. i sat him down give him a drink and a fag. he said he had a fit and was epileptic. i sat there with him for a bit and he finished my water and seem to come around a bit so i walked him home just in case it happened again. i took im to his door and his mrs come out shout at him. she said "you been on the kit again look at the state of you. she pulled his sleeve up and he was covered in marks. i felt like a right dick and just walked away. i thought i was doing the right thing, i didnt know i was helping a smack head. did i do the right thing or should i of just left him

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You did the right thing, mate.


How were you to know he's a smack-head? He told you he'd had a fit, so how were you to know??


Next time someone asks for help and tells a story, do you walk away and think f**k 'em, then find out they were genuine? Sleep with that!!


My hat's off to you, Sir.


The world needs more folks like you.



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You did the right thing, mate.


How were you to know he's a smack-head? He told you he'd had a fit, so how were you to know??


Next time someone asks for help and tells a story, do you walk away and think f**k 'em, then find out they were genuine? Sleep with that!!


My hat's off to you, Sir.


The world needs more folks like you.



totally agree :yes:

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Yeah you did the right thing mate,theres too many fools who think its big or clever to ignore someone in distress. So what if he was a smackhead,he might not have been and you were not to know that.

Im not a do gooder and i wouldnt normally interfere in anyone elses business,but if someone is in need of help and i can be of assistance then i always offer.

Its easy to ignore situations,it takes a better person to get involved and help others who need it.

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my online haters wont beleave this but in the real wold im quite a helpful kind of guy, i help old ladies across the road and the other day a old lady broke down on her wee mobility scooter thingy. people were just walking past her as she was sobbing her heart out. i calmed her down and pushed her and her scooter to her sons house. it wasn't easy believe me but i didn't think twice because its the way my amazing mother brought me up. i was just out with the dogs there and i spotted a boy walking towards me. he was shaking and covered in mud. i sat him down give him a drink and a fag. he said he had a fit and was epileptic. i sat there with him for a bit and he finished my water and seem to come around a bit so i walked him home just in case it happened again. i took im to his door and his mrs come out shout at him. she said "you been on the kit again look at the state of you. she pulled his sleeve up and he was covered in marks. i felt like a right dick and just walked away. i thought i was doing the right thing, i didnt know i was helping a smack head. did i do the right thing or should i of just left him

You did absolutely right. Look at it t'other way round. If you'd walked away and left him and it turned out he really was epileptic, had a second fit this time gran mal and died how would you be feeling now?

Ric :thumbs:

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you did right.


i once rescued a young girl from the sea in oz i was paddling through the surf and could see she was in trouble the waves were breaking right on top of her and every time she came up she got smashed by another i could see the fear in her face, so i picked her up and took her in to the beach

where her farther appeared and gave me a mouth full for touching his child !!!

i was gob smacked, i sat down on the beach and thought maybe i had got it wrong and she wasn't in trouble i convinced myself that i was wrong and i shouldn't of picked up the child, i felt like a twat.


a while later i saw the dad approaching and i thought oh no here we go again.

but he apologized to me and thanked me for saving his little girl he told me that she had told him she was drowning and that i saved her , she was relay upset he had been so nasty to me.


so it turned out i had done the right thing.


if you hadn't of walked him home they wouldn't of know he was using again. maybe he will get the help he needs this time.

and as allready said next time it might be for real.

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