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whats the best feed to get duck on the pools

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  Sterry said:
We used to buy all the old bannanas that were too ripe off a green grocier friend, just chopped them up, bit messy but they do love them, failing that try bakery for all the old bread and stuff

Agree all the suggestions but strangely enough the mallard seem to go mad for spud peelings. Do chip shops still peel spuds ?

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  terrierman 1 said:
just wondered whats the best feed to get more mallard and teal the pools



wheat , barley are the best i would say , if your trying to attract teal then barley but try and get hold of some grass seed if you can, we have a pond we feed grass seed and the teal go made for it and we have some good bags to .



also only feed real shallow for teal because they can't dabble deep like mallard can ..

try to get to feed every day and only use a good bucket full because mallard will eat as much as you put in .....

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If you can find someone who riddles their own taties (when they start picking) ask if you can have the rotten/rejects. If you put them in an onion sack and smash them up then tip it in the shallows, they go mad for them. Barley if you can afford it. Sweepings from a corn mill, or even better, the seeds and trash that is winnowed out from the corn/barley. This works a treat for the teal.


Atb, ft

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This is not a joke but Chips drive them wild thats if you feel like or have old chips


Potato's are very good too dont even have to be good uns just bad sprouty ones.


keep feeding them dont stop coz if you shoot at them they will sod off and never be seen again!!!!!


also dont shoot too many allow them to return next season to breed then you will have good Duck every year!!!

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  frankie said:
ive recently got a bit of permission that has a small pond and a few marshy bits that flood in winter , but cos of my work then the only time in winter i can feed it is after work when its dark and the ducks will already be in there feeding would this disturbing them at nite put them off coming to the pond/marshy fields

Not an ideal arrangement- The food should be distributed about half a hour before dark. The reason is that if for example you put it down in the morning then seagulls( I am not joking) will eat it all before flight time. Even if they did not eat it then the ducks would be encouraged to stay all day. What you want is a good evening flight of visiting ducks.

You can buy an automatic feeder which you attach to a barrel of feed on stilts and set it to come on at a certain time. They do work but you need to riddle the barley as the hole can get blocked defeating the object as I found out to my dismay but on the other hand it saves the time of visiting as often.

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  flytie said:
If you can find someone who riddles their own taties (when they start picking) ask if you can have the rotten/rejects. If you put them in an onion sack and smash them up then tip it in the shallows, they go mad for them. Barley if you can afford it. Sweepings from a corn mill, or even better, the seeds and trash that is winnowed out from the corn/barley. This works a treat for the teal.


Atb, ft



Never done it but have heard the taties work a treat.atb. Catchet 1

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