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Why is my ferret losing fur on her tail

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as it says above i have an albino jill of about 3/4 years old and she is losing the fur on the end of her tail, she has been neutered and her cage is cleaned out every day so she is not walking on wet shavings any ideas THL ?. i will put pictures up if needed.



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Can't help you mate but i would also like to know the answer as my hob (albino) has exactly the same thing happening to him, The underside of his tail is going bald? strange how it's only him and none of the other 3? Hopefully someone will know the answer!

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they call it rats tail , its quite common in ferrets nothing to worry about

cheers kay, is there any way to stop it? because i want to get into showing her and i think this would ruin my chances. she is the one in my profile picture and this only started to happen about 6 weeks ago.



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they call it rats tail , its quite common in ferrets nothing to worry about

cheers kay, is there any way to stop it? because i want to get into showing her and i think this would ruin my chances. she is the one in my profile picture and this only started to happen about 6 weeks ago.




it shouldnt make any difference when showing , imo any judge who made a song & dance over it shouldnt be doing the job in the first place

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they call it rats tail , its quite common in ferrets nothing to worry about

cheers kay, is there any way to stop it? because i want to get into showing her and i think this would ruin my chances. she is the one in my profile picture and this only started to happen about 6 weeks ago.




it shouldnt make any difference when showing , imo any judge who made a song & dance over it shouldnt be doing the job in the first place


Cheers kay

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There molting their coats, ready for a winter coat...

Funny you should say that, only one of my jills has moulted fully into her summer coat, and one of my hobs is just starting! :blink:

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You sure it's not worms? have you seen the Ferret chewing at it's bum/base of the tail?


my other gill does this all the time, i think its time to have them wormed. whats the best wormer to use for ferret?



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There molting their coats, ready for a winter coat...

Funny you should say that, only one of my jills has moulted fully into her summer coat, and one of my hobs is just starting! :blink:


My adult is nice & tidy looking now , you just get the coat right & they shed back to the winter coat :laugh:

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