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my bitches first catch today 2 rabbits

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well she is ready to run now been out twice on lamp and she was well intrestid ran 4 rabits and been rght on them but never court so ferritid some rabits today and went to a nice feild dropd one let it get a resnible distance and slipped her she ran it turned it (he turning was spot on) but wasnt to sure abowt picking it up untill she turned again flicked it up and court it come strate back to my feet and dropped it it bolted again an off she went court it first turn and came back


droped the second rabbit and it ran strate towards a fence but turned back on itself and she ran it hard lots of turning and up it went and strate back to me


ime verry pleased and still smileing and ferret feller enjoyed aswell






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i will do bud ive been holding out till she has grown and let the bones harden i dont like people running dogs from young age she is 12 and half months so i thort a nice easy flat feild was best and it proved to be a great desicion



its been getting to me thoe all this wateing for her to get older



but itle be worth it in the long run

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