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The last laugh...

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The larsen has gone mad this morning, catching 3 younguns in the first few hours of daylight. I moved a couple into the call bird side for food and water, re set, and went back indoors to see to the kids. Heard the trap go off again and looked out a few mins later as they were all making a right racket. Thinking there were more magpies about, I grabbed the camera, but to my suprise it was this girl taunting them :)



I watched her for a bit and realised she was making a broody noise.... gave it a few seconds and she went off to find this little fella (hard to spot so arrow for convenience :laugh:)



The neighbour said she'd watched in despair as a pair of maggies picked a clutch of 7 phesant chicks off one by one last year in her garden... glad to say the family in my orchard have a bit better chance :D That made knocking this mornings catch all the more rewarding I can tell you!


I LOVE trapping! :victory:

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Thankyou I plan too! Next mission is the crows that have been picking off my ducklings :angry: My bro' has just started making me a ladder trap, cant wait to get that going too! ;)

hi i"ve pre baited a crow and jackdaw trap last week my trap has 2 ground funnels placed the door on it fryday night saturday morning i went and had a look i"d cault 30 birds 1 hit mostly jackdaws , crows , some rooks and a magpie , ive tried ladder traps but have found some birds get out mainly jackdaws but with the funnels they seem to work better sunday morning id cault 4 jays and a crow nothing on monday so ive moved my trap to another site . im using cut maize as bait . also have you tried eggs in your larson trap they work quiet well in atracting crow as well as magpies good luck ;)

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Thankyou I plan too! Next mission is the crows that have been picking off my ducklings :angry: My bro' has just started making me a ladder trap, cant wait to get that going too! ;)

hi i"ve pre baited a crow and jackdaw trap last week my trap has 2 ground funnels placed the door on it fryday night saturday morning i went and had a look i"d cault 30 birds 1 hit mostly jackdaws , crows , some rooks and a magpie , ive tried ladder traps but have found some birds get out mainly jackdaws but with the funnels they seem to work better sunday morning id cault 4 jays and a crow nothing on monday so ive moved my trap to another site . im using cut maize as bait . also have you tried eggs in your larson trap they work quiet well in atracting crow as well as magpies good luck ;)


Thats interesting to hear...

I've had a fair hit already on Carion and rooks just on using 2 larsens, and baited with eggs yes, worked wonders, ... but to be honest its bladdy hard work keeping them going, and thats why I wanted a ladder trap to try and do a couple of hard hits.

I've got one larsen out on loan, and a magpie in my other one thats doing a steady job luring the new territory seekers at the mo'.

Do you mean the cut maize as in the cobs out the maize fields or flaked dried maize? I was going to use a bit of mixed corn purely because, as soon as I close the gate to the chicken run, they are straight down in droves to help themselves to that.

Cheers :thumbs:

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Thankyou I plan too! Next mission is the crows that have been picking off my ducklings :angry: My bro' has just started making me a ladder trap, cant wait to get that going too! ;)

hi i"ve pre baited a crow and jackdaw trap last week my trap has 2 ground funnels placed the door on it fryday night saturday morning i went and had a look i"d cault 30 birds 1 hit mostly jackdaws , crows , some rooks and a magpie , ive tried ladder traps but have found some birds get out mainly jackdaws but with the funnels they seem to work better sunday morning id cault 4 jays and a crow nothing on monday so ive moved my trap to another site . im using cut maize as bait . also have you tried eggs in your larson trap they work quiet well in atracting crow as well as magpies good luck ;)


Thats interesting to hear...

I've had a fair hit already on Carion and rooks just on using 2 larsens, and baited with eggs yes, worked wonders, ... but to be honest its bladdy hard work keeping them going, and thats why I wanted a ladder trap to try and do a couple of hard hits.

I've got one larsen out on loan, and a magpie in my other one thats doing a steady job luring the new territory seekers at the mo'.

Do you mean the cut maize as in the cobs out the maize fields or flaked dried maize? I was going to use a bit of mixed corn purely because, as soon as I close the gate to the chicken run, they are straight down in droves to help themselves to that.

Cheers :thumbs:

i use bought cut maize but flaked maize would be fine but if they are eating mixed corn try that . i use maize because of the colour adds to the attraction i used the same trap on a job 2 weeks ago on jackdaws had 45 in 2 days after prebaiting 4 a week a good friend of mine cault 85 jackdaws & some rooks with a simaler trap . that was a ladder trap that he converted in to a a ground funnel trap,

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Once caught 2 crows in one side of a larsen, they are harder to catch, i always put them on a barrel so that they are off the ground, stops them walking round trying to get at the call bird.

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Here is my best catch from last season.


There was a post up a few months ago by someone who had two fox cubs in one side!! Amazing... I've not had that experience yet!!


Caught one two year running from same spot(not the same fox of course :D )


I should hope not :D I'd be delighted if I could catch my chicken thief by chance! its had far more than a fair share from my pen!


http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...fox+cubs+larsen Link to the post I'd mentioned!

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Here is my best catch from last season.


There was a post up a few months ago by someone who had two fox cubs in one side!! Amazing... I've not had that experience yet!!


Caught one two year running from same spot(not the same fox of course :D )


I should hope not :D I'd be delighted if I could catch my chicken thief by chance! its had far more than a fair share from my pen!


http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...fox+cubs+larsen Link to the post I'd mentioned!

Thanks for link, good pics those. Shame about the debate though.

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And this one



that looks a pretty good job, is that 1inch mesh on the front the door?


what kind of size roughly is it?


and does that kind of trap catch rooks because its looking like my sgc application is going to take longer than i thought and there are some rooks need taking care of.

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