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Theoben M.F.R. ftlbs

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The rapid series is a good gun more so when the aftermarket regs are fitted or the MK1s have the block ported properly as per AWT .then everyone copies.Just theobens attitude stinks that goes for past and present staff .If a certain person who some see as ( god ) modified the guns when in charge rather than when he set up shop for himself more customers would have stuck with them IMHO

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The rapid series is a good gun more so when the aftermarket regs are fitted or the MK1s have the block ported properly as per AWT .then everyone copies.Just theobens attitude stinks that goes for past and present staff .If a certain person who some see as ( god ) modified the guns when in charge rather than when he set up shop for himself more customers would have stuck with them IMHO


I can see where your comeing from.


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