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Perhaps he needs Aronpigeonplucker to do a poll for him, Dezzer stay, or Dezzer f**k off, I know which would get my vote :D

I say keep him. Need something to pass the time when it's peeing down. He's an easier target than a fox at 250yards!


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You still haven't denied the offences for which you were charged and convicted.


And I'm neither a retired policeman nor a member of the RSPB.


And what is an 'LLB HONS' when it's at home?

See my last post! Lousy Lying Bast**d fits tho. . .



I am genuinely shocked that a person who claims such a qualification has such poor spelling, punctuation and grammar.

I'd be shocked if I believed that he holds any such qualification. I could claim to be the hereditary Emperor of China. Proves nowt. I'm starting to think that he shouldn't have been sentenced to prison though. He's clearly as mad as a snake. Should be banged up in Broadmoor with the rest of the loonies. Take him out for walkies on a lead once a day.

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:


Well, as I was always told whilst a youth,,,,,,,,,


If you cant do the time, dont do the crime


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You still haven't denied the offences for which you were charged and convicted.


And I'm neither a retired policeman nor a member of the RSPB.


And what is an 'LLB HONS' when it's at home?


Little. Limpeddick. Bullshitter.



You still haven't denied the offences for which you were charged and convicted.


And I'm neither a retired policeman nor a member of the RSPB.


And what is an 'LLB HONS' when it's at home?

See my last post! Lousy Lying Bast**d fits tho. . .



I am genuinely shocked that a person who claims such a qualification has such poor spelling, punctuation and grammar.


As i said in the begining spelling mistakes on a petition addressed to the prime minister :no: . The guy is a prized donkey turd, he has no reputation (that was destroyed 14 years ago), no standing, a dubious qualification and will not deny the charges he was convicted of. waste of air you ask me

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Now back to the the thread for abit before the RSPB lovers come back.




:feck: derek you lowlife greedy fecker,you steal peregrine falcon chicks for profit get caught and then come on here asking for our support :blink: you must be fecking joking,i would of thrown away the key you shithouse and i cant believe 30 people have signed the petition,they must be fecking bird thieves as well,people like you make me :sick:

surely this asshole should be deleted,does this site wanna be associated with scumbag bird thieves

i really hope our paths cross oneday......b*****d :angry:

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