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f**k sake lads why bring that up. the guys done his BIRD. Hes still a field sports man at the end of the day who's looking for a wee bit of support. I agree with you Derick something needs to be done about these and anything is better than nothing. I cant believe how paranoid and deftest the hunting community has become. They will do anything they got hunting banned and they try to bully every last one of us but you lot rather sit on your arses with out putting up a fight and screwing there name and credibility. f**k sake lads get some fight about you. Every day there's crap put up on the net in papers about us but what do we do? look at shitty bodies like the ca to defend us and do they NO. its about time you lot get a bit of fight about you instead if sitting there all beat up and abusing your fellow pro hunters. at least you can say you tryed


Brown wont read none of these polls though hes to busy licking Muslims arse, sending young lads to there death and f*****g up the economy

Well put, it is time to stick together in a common course that is in all our best interests

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I notice that in all this, Mr Canning (LLB, HONS) you focus on one point of evidence. You do not deny that you did the crimes of which you were accused.


Or am I missing something?

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Couple of quick question!! have you appealed your convictions? if not why not? and were you convicted of taking eggs, chicks or birds of prey from specific locations in Scotland and if you were Perry Mason :whistling: why were'nt you processed under the Scottish legal system? The boys in Barlinnie would have loved you :kiss: (litrally)






BIRDMAN Derek Canning made legal history yesterday when he became the first man in Britain to be jailed for stealing and selling rare birds of prey. Genetic fingerprinting techniques were used to put the illegal trader behind bars in a case brought under European law by Northumbria Police. Canning, 33, of The Broomhaugh, Riding Mill, Northumberland, was sentenced to 18 months for keeping and selling 22 peregrine falcons, worth around £700 each. Newcastle Crown Court was told he had maps pinpointing the positions of at least 10 peregrine eyries in Northumberland, Cumbria and southern Scotland. The birds were taken from nesting sites, given false identification and then sold on through specialist magazines to un-suspecting buyers. Canning, a storeman, was stopped by police and the RSPB’s protection unit in 1993. He had a pair of peregrine falcon chicks in his car – 24 hours after two had gone missing from Kielder Forest. Jailing him, Judge Michael Cartlidge said: “Your suggested breeding programme was a sham and throughout this case you have taken enormous trouble to disguise your involvement. “It seems to me that when birds are protected and someone defies the law it is inevitable a prison sentence has to be imposed.’



no i am not Hunters friend i am Guys :feck:

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Couple of quick question!! have you appealed your convictions? if not why not? and were you convicted of taking eggs, chicks or birds of prey from specific locations in Scotland and if you were Perry Mason :whistling: why were'nt you processed under the Scottish legal system? The boys in Barlinnie would have loved you :kiss: (litrally)






BIRDMAN Derek Canning made legal history yesterday when he became the first man in Britain to be jailed for stealing and selling rare birds of prey. Genetic fingerprinting techniques were used to put the illegal trader behind bars in a case brought under European law by Northumbria Police. Canning, 33, of The Broomhaugh, Riding Mill, Northumberland, was sentenced to 18 months for keeping and selling 22 peregrine falcons, worth around £700 each. Newcastle Crown Court was told he had maps pinpointing the positions of at least 10 peregrine eyries in Northumberland, Cumbria and southern Scotland. The birds were taken from nesting sites, given false identification and then sold on through specialist magazines to un-suspecting buyers. Canning, a storeman, was stopped by police and the RSPB’s protection unit in 1993. He had a pair of peregrine falcon chicks in his car – 24 hours after two had gone missing from Kielder Forest. Jailing him, Judge Michael Cartlidge said: “Your suggested breeding programme was a sham and throughout this case you have taken enormous trouble to disguise your involvement. “It seems to me that when birds are protected and someone defies the law it is inevitable a prison sentence has to be imposed.’



no i am not Hunters friend i am Guys :feck:



My case is being referred the CCRC however the this thread is not about my pending appeal

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Your right its not about your appeal its about inegrity and honesty and you asking for support, any of the lads on here convicted of a wildlife crime?, its usually about taking one for the pot or carrying out what could be considered illegal pest control when asked by a landowner or others or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time it also could just be a total ignorance of the law and they put their hands up to it because they have no option? You!! on the other hand show a certain degree of intelligence and have been convicted of crimes which include making a profit, and could have had an adverse effect on BOP populations in certain areas throughout the UK including Scotland, your crimes were commited out of greed :thumbdown: pure and simple and you got caught end off story!! To then ask for support before your absolved of any wrongdoing is laughable, its like a puppy pedlar losing his breeding stock due to distemper and then asking the lads on here to donate a bitch or dog so they can start again!!


Why don't you go through your appeal, win it and then ask for support! if your credibility rating goes up??




Ps: your very much prepared to ask questions of others the RSPCA etc: but when asked a direct question yourself! you avoid it by saying its not relevant "My case is being referred the CCRC however the this thread is not about my pending appeal" I asked a couple of quick question!! have you appealed your convictions? if not why not? (answered) and were you convicted of taking eggs, chicks or birds of prey from specific locations in Scotland and if you were :whistling: Perry Mason why were'nt you processed under the Scottish legal system? any chance of a definitive answer, or are you gonna be like your "Nemesis" the RSPCA and be evasive when it suits you? for some-one to describe you in this thread as a "field sportsman or a fellow pro hunter" is incredulous, to the general public you may appear to be one of the worst examples of a supporter of a way of life many of us on here enjoy!!!!!!!

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Hold a public enquiry into the polices and running of the RSPB.". More details

Submitted by Derek Canning LLB[hons] of the need for justice – Deadline to sign up by: 21 July 2010 – Signatures: 1


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More details from petition creator

"the rspb are taking the role of police by investigating people given this fact who is going to police the rspb when there big questions marks over their activities. There has never been a watchdog for the rspb and given the evidence, the rspb’s hidden agenda and past history we want an investigation into the activities of the rspb"

Current signatories

So far, only Derek Canning LLB[hons], the Petition Creator, has signed this petition.


This post has been edited by DEREK CANNING LLB[HONS]: Today, 05:50 PM

You are a thief, a liar and one of the worst possible threats to honest hunters. So sue me shithead.

R.Whittington B.Phil (Hons)

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Guest busterdog
Your right its not about your appeal its about inegrity and honesty and you asking for support, any of the lads on here convicted of a wildlife crime?, its usually about taking one for the pot or carrying out what could be considered illegal pest control when asked by a landowner or others or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time it also could just be a total ignorance of the law and they put their hands up to it because they have no option? You!! on the other hand show a certain degree of intelligence and have been convicted of crimes which include making a profit, and could have had an adverse effect on BOP populations in certain areas throughout the UK including Scotland, your crimes were commited out of greed :thumbdown: pure and simple and you got caught end off story!! To then ask for support before your absolved of any wrongdoing is laughable, its like a puppy pedlar losing his breeding stock due to distemper and then asking the lads on here to donate a bitch or dog so they can start again!!


Why don't you go through your appeal, win it and then ask for support! if your credibility rating goes up??




Ps: your very much prepared to ask questions of others the RSPCA etc: but when asked a direct question yourself! you avoid it by saying its not relevant "My case is being referred the CCRC however the this thread is not about my pending appeal" I asked a couple of quick question!! have you appealed your convictions? if not why not? (answered) and were you convicted of taking eggs, chicks or birds of prey from specific locations in Scotland and if you were :whistling: Perry Mason why were'nt you processed under the Scottish legal system? any chance of a definitive answer, or are you gonna be like your "Nemesis" the RSPCA and be evasive when it suits you? for some-one to describe you in this thread as a "field sportsman or a fellow pro hunter" is incredulous, to the general public you may appear to be one of the worst examples of a supporter of a way of life many of us on here enjoy!!!!!!!


Couldn't have put it better my self.... :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper:

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You are a thief, a liar and one of the worst possible threats to honest hunters. So sue me shithead.

R.Whittington B.Phil (Hons)


I agree.


Droid, HND, BSc (Hons), PGCE, Grumpy b*****d.

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Wow!! 30 signatures on a petition to the Prime Minister to investigate the RSPCA with only a paragraph of text for the public to digest that's partly based on opinion with no instances of fact eg:


More details from petition creator


"the rspb are taking the role of police by investigating people given this fact who is going to police the rspb"


The RSPCA are a registered charity not a psuedo police agency and as such are not above the law!! (no matter what the organisation thinks itself) Current legislation allready police them on numerous occassions this registered charity have lost case's in the civil and criminal courts they have also been in situations where they've also been forced to pay high costs and compensation for bogus trials/allegations and court case's


If you think your 30 signatures on a petition which has run out of time is gonna have an effect on politicians, when over 400,000 of us got nowhere on "THE LIBERTY AND LIVELIEHOOD MARCH" as well as other peacefull protests, "you've lost your feckin marbles" :blink: your obsessed by RSPB/RSPCA co's they were involved and because the rest of us may have legitmate grievance's against these feckers you expect us to jump on your bandwaggon? I for one think you derserve all you get and if I was the judge I'd have given you a longer term of imprisonment if that was possible


The way I see it is "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime! and yours was a crime, not a mistake! not a misdemeanour!,and certainly no-one else's fault but a calculated crime to profit yourself and con others "given false identification and then sold on through specialist magazines to un-suspecting buyers."

You appeared to have tried to rip off legitimate falconers and BOP enthusiasts who probably were and are real countrymen, see further information on the case below





Friday, 19 May 1995



Environment Correspondent


A nest raider yesterday became the first person in Britain to be jailed for trapping and selling wild birds caught in this country.


DNA fingerprinting techniques, similar to that used for convicting murderers and rapists, were used to refute Derek Canning's claim that he had bred rare peregrines from captive parents and was breaking no law.


In fact, he had trapped them or taken them from nests in the wild, and yesterday at Newcastle Crown Court he was jailed for 18 months. Judge Michael Cartlidge said: ``In a sense you were stealing from the public what was their own heritage ...


"Your suggested breeding programme was a sham - throughout this case you have taken enormous trouble to disguise your offences."


Canning, 33, a warehouseman, fabricated a succession of cover stories after 14 young peregrines - and no parent birds - were discovered during a police raid on his home at Riding Mill, near Stamfordham, Northumberland.


He claimed the parent birds had been stolen by a rival breeder. Seventeen months later he produced two parents, but the court was told that these were also taken from the wild.


The court was told that he advertised his young peregrines in a bird magazine, claiming they were captive-bred. Mark Styles, for the prosecution, said: ``The defendant asked for cash, camera equipment, newish cars, Rolex watches or jewellery in return for these chicks.''


Police and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds were first alerted to his activities when Canning was stopped driving near a nest site in Kielder Forest with two chicks soon after a nest had been robbed.


The authorities were unable to prosecute him on that occasion and the chicks were returned to him, but their suspicions had been aroused and further inquiries resulted in the raid on his home.


Using DNA evidence, geneticists at Nottingham University were able to show that Canning's claims about how the young peregrines were related to each other and had been captive-bred were untrue.Canning denied one count of keeping or offering for sale a prohibited bird species and six counts of selling prohibited birds under the Control of Trade in Endangered Species Regulations. The jury found him guilty after a two-week trial.


The court was told that Canning tried to get round Department of the Environment laws by registering his birds as being legitimately born in captivity. In all, Canning illegally had 22 wild birds in captivity during a two-year period.The RSPB hopes some of the peregrines remain sufficiently wild to be released. Investigations officer Guy Shorrock said: ``He is an obsessive, persistent and very devious man. The preparation for the case was something of a running battle, because he kept coming up with new stories about how these young peregrines had been hatched in captivity.`


`He saw these birds only in terms of the money he could make from selling them."


Britain's peregrine population plummeted in the 1950s after the introduction of organo-chlorine pesticides, but it has made a strong recovery and there are now about 1,200 breeding pairs.

Edited by Foxgun Tom
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Well Mr Canning you've certainly stirred up a wasps nest here haven't you ?

I won't be signing your petition . It strikes me that the judge was right - you are devious - clearly not devious enough because you got caught !!!!

But I do believe you're attempting to use this site, the people on it and very probably others to further you own ends - to support your one man jehad against the RSPB/RSPCA/Police a lost cause if ever I see one .

Although if what you say is true you certainly have grounds to feel agrieved that doesn't automatically entitle you to take the good people on this site for a bunch of fecking idiots and that's exactly what you've tried to do - hence the angry responses .

I wish you all the best in your appeal and hope that one day you can put all this behind you and start living a normal life again .

In the mean time please do me ,and most of the people on this site, a personal favour and feck off!!

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We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Hold a public enquiry into the polices and running of the RSPB.". More details

Submitted by Derek Canning LLB[hons] of the need for justice – Deadline to sign up by: 21 July 2010 – Signatures: 1


You must be a British citizen or resident to sign the petition. Please enter your name only; signatures containing other text may be removed by the petitions team.

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More details from petition creator

"the rspb are taking the role of police by investigating people given this fact who is going to police the rspb when there big questions marks over their activities. There has never been a watchdog for the rspb and given the evidence, the rspb’s hidden agenda and past history we want an investigation into the activities of the rspb"

Current signatories

So far, only Derek Canning LLB[hons], the Petition Creator, has signed this petition.


This post has been edited by DEREK CANNING LLB[HONS]: Today, 05:50 PM

There is agreement among historians that George Canning was the worst Prime Minister in the history of the British Parliament. Could he have been a relative?

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Well friends of the ex-copper forced to resign for sexual harassment anyone would think that you did not want the Police to investigate the RSPB, however I do sometimes wonder why if I was so bad and the RSPB did not pervert the course of justice then what do RSPB sympathiser like you have to worry about if there is an investigation into the RSPB by the police? Yes of course the truth might not sit too well with you if it came out. That is why I have not been sued for what I am saying as I have the shield of truth. For example Guy Shorrock lied at my court case, withheld evidence and perverted the course of justice. If this is not true then I should be sued via the RSPB millions.


Attack me as much as you want it just make me laugh however why should the RSPB not be investigated for their crimes like normal people? As I challenged Rat Boy read the DNA evidence that I have supplied and tell me where I am wrong or lying, but no you are not clever enough to do that therefore you resort to being a school yard bully who cannot not achieve on a mental level so you resorts to bad language and statements that prove nothing other than the fact you cannot put a reasoned argument together therefore you hide behind bogus names, however that is your right no matter how pathetic that is to some. So do what you want but do not forget to keep your RSPB membership up. I have to admit the RSPB do a good magazine with lovely pictures and not much writing which should be perfect for you [RSPB members and ex coppers].

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Well friends of the ex-copper forced to resign for sexual harassment anyone would think that you did not want the Police to investigate the RSPB, however I do sometimes wonder why if I was so bad and the RSPB did not pervert the course of justice then what do RSPB sympathiser like you have to worry about if there is an investigation into the RSPB by the police? Yes of course the truth might not sit too well with you if it came out. That is why I have not been sued for what I am saying as I have the shield of truth. For example Guy Shorrock lied at my court case, withheld evidence and perverted the course of justice. If this is not true then I should be sued via the RSPB millions.


Attack me as much as you want it just make me laugh however why should the RSPB not be investigated for their crimes like normal people? As I challenged Rat Boy read the DNA evidence that I have supplied and tell me where I am wrong or lying, but no you are not clever enough to do that therefore you resort to being a school yard bully who cannot not achieve on a mental level so you resorts to bad language and statements that prove nothing other than the fact you cannot put a reasoned argument together therefore you hide behind bogus names, however that is your right no matter how pathetic that is to some. So do what you want but do not forget to keep your RSPB membership up. I have to admit the RSPB do a good magazine with lovely pictures and not much writing which should be perfect for you [RSPB members and ex coppers].


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